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Puerto Rico: Negotiating Development and Change - Essay Example

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As the paper "Puerto Rico: Negotiating Development and Change" tells, on the East part of the Caribbean, there is an island called Puerto Rico, which has San Juan, as its capital. Puerto Rico has a large rainforest, sandy-white beaches, underground caves, and mountains. …
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Puerto Rico: Negotiating Development and Change
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Through my research, I gained information on some places around the world which tourists categorize to be the most breathtaking amazing sites.

My academic course incorporates the subject of tourism; the event enriched my understanding of Puerto Rico as a tourist location. The event is also related to my academic course in the sense that, it has served as a learning resource for me. This event relates to the holidays we are currently having, in that, it will be a destination site during the holiday. Watching the event is more like watching Puerto Rico being advertised as a tourist destination site. This program relates to both international and global issues since people all around the world are interested in phenomenal tourist sites such as Puerto Rico. Since the program acts like an advertisement tool, it influences global tourism (Dietz 87).

Watching the event, made me remember, the first experience I had when I was touring the Caribbean Islands. I reminisced over the thrilling feelings I had some years back when I walked on white sandy beaches for the first time. In particular, I appreciate the fact that I got first-hand and detailed information on Puerto Rico. The program, showed spectacular features on the landscape, such as different kinds of coral reefs, which I had never come through when researching tourist sites. Through the program, I gained more knowledge of Puerto Rico’s history. The information on the landscape made me appreciate and understand some geography because it talked about how the various physical features on the island came to be formed. (Dietz 83).

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