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Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Micro Unit - Report Example

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This report "Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Micro Unit" presents living spaces that are around 300 square feet with all elements of a home available in that limited space; the kitchen, bedroom, dining area, washing area, bathroom, etc…
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Micro Unit
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Micro Units Advantages and disadvantages of living in a micro unit Micro units are living spaces which are around 300 square feet with all elements of a home available in that limited space; the kitchen, bedroom, dining area, washing area, bathroom etc. The trend started because of the shortage of time and space and increased independence. And it has gained popularity ever since because it is a concept that appeals to many people. It started off with New York and has worked its way to San Francisco and other cities as well. This movement was started by Michael Bloomberg, who is considered a ‘social engineer.’ He has been bent on making the city of New York a better place to live in; cleaner, healthier and economical (Susman 2012). A few statistics that need to be considered to be in favor of building micro units and utilizing them are: around 33% of New Yorkers are people who live alone, and a great deal of them either has an additional parent or child with them (i.e. being single parent families) and they could do well with a smaller space both in terms of price and space. By 2030, the population is expected to rise by 900,000 and 0.8 million target population for this project who is not utilizing this facility but are perfect candidates for it. It is highly unlikely that the city will be able to accommodate the population in terms of its growth rate. Most of the large houses and the housing stocks also are available for nuclear families and there are laws for example for two families living together in an apartment and so forth, and so micro units are a convenient solution of those who have been living illegally. So basically the market is available and making this option open will just cater to the demand of the economy. Most people also perceive that bigger is better and smaller places are dull and gloomy, but many examples show that one can personalize their own small space better, and move about easier; e.g. the distance between the bathroom and the kitchen and the bedroom is smaller and so it is convenient to move around in one’s own little space. In this way one can exercise their personal creativity and have a sense of ownership; it can actually even be good for the soul. Also, the smaller the space, the smaller the rent, and thus these micro units are also more economical. Most single individuals start with a salary of about 1300$/month and with this amount can usually not afford a larger space with a higher rent, or purchase homes. And therefore, it is more feasible for them to shift into a smaller space where they may even some disposable income left to spend other than on their housing needs. The real estate market is extremely pricey and thus people flee to such small dwellings which do not make them feel poor. It is also easier to maintain these micro units as they are a smaller space and thus easier to protect, clean etc. Also, the growing trend of urbanized cities is that individuals are barely ever at home. For such a situation, there is no point of owning a large plot and a large home and pay all the expenses as well because not only is it unfeasible but it is difficult to maintain and there are many others looking for space in the populous city who would not get any accommodation because others who can afford it buy large spaces and don’t even dwell in them. Lastly, people don’t hoard; they will not have the space to keep unnecessary items and will continue to purge and clean their homes so that they are not only cleaner, but there is no clutter and only the important stuff is available in their homes. In this way, they will become simpler and cleaner. This will lead to “charming but cramped apartments” that one would want to live in and not consider them as unlucky. However this micro unit movement also has certain disadvantages. The movement that Bloomberg has proposed will only provide a space for the building of these micro units, not the construction costs that the tenants will have to bear. Micro units are also not family friendly; perhaps they encourage individuals living alone and they may face issues such as disconnection, loneliness and a burden on them to pay rent for the entire apartment. A nuclear family cannot possibly accommodate in such a small space and therefore it isn’t feasible for them. Cities may become a place for only technically savvy individuals without families and children or the richest people and the rest would be driven out. This would be the rut of urbanization. They are also too small. Normally individuals with a hectic lifestyle do not get time to exercise and some quality time in their homes with their families or simply cleaning their house is an activity to indulge in. However this concept or even image seems to be diminishing in urban areas, more so with the introduction of these micro units. People might be making themselves feel happy with the notion that they can liven up a small place however it can be too small and dingy to liven up because of the space element. It would also lead to a complete change in lifestyle of the people who haven’t been used to such a notion of living in small apartments singularly. And even if people are willing to change in New York because they are used to living in quarters, the same might not hold up as well in other cities as this concept expands. Environmental effects In America today, there are thousands of immigrants living, either documented or undocumented. They are usually living in slum conditions without any proper facilities such as sewage, drainage or sunlight. They need a place to stay because not only are they human beings who have a right to a better living space, but because these unhealthy quarters were spreading a great number of diseases such as cholera. They literally lived in a box without light and only a coal stove which would or would not work. Initially, it was tried that they be put in larger spaces and homes which would allow them to raise their standard of living. And so the concept was that “bigger was better.” However, the world has evolved since the start of immigration. As technology, sanitation and preferences change the responsibility isn’t just to give homes to people who need it but also to realize that the world has a limited number of resources and we need to use them wisely so as to not run out of them completely. The best way to give back to mother Earth is to use resources more conservatively and therefore; micro units are good for the environment as well. People feel a sense of responsibility as well as the fact that they are becoming more environmentally conscious. Sanitation is also easier to handle in smaller spaces. It also provides diversity to people living in the hustle bustle of cities where it is difficult to manage homes. Workers can also be given a housing facility where they could maintain the sanitation rather than living in squats and being unhappy with their lives. Living in a more concentrated space would mean fewer resources are being used and less is needed to handle the issues of small units preferably in a building with micro units. Therefore micro units are “right sized units” that are not only efficient because of the space that they conserve but also the revolution that they start of having everything smaller in size to save space, time and be more efficient with everything we use. Elaynow talks about his “purge” pile where he was regular in eradicating anything that he didn’t need in his home, and that shows a level of responsibility instilled in him by living in a smaller apartment. Another couple talks about how much fun they had and how they connected while looking for decorations for their micro unit home. As we move towards a greater depletion of resources, we need to start somewhere in conservation; and there is no better place to start with housing facilities especially when there is a chance that the legislation will change in favor for such a facility. Bibliography Susman, Tina. "New York micro-studios: Living well in 275 square feet." LA Times (2012). Read More
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