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I Dont Want to Fight About It - Case Study Example

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In the essay “I Don’t Want to Fight About It!” the author discusses covert conflict where the persons involved lack the willingness to communicate the problem but in turn, use avoidance mechanisms. This kind of conflict occurred in the workplace where his supervisor and he were involved…
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I Dont Want to Fight About It
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On asking the supervisor, he always insisted on incompetency on the job. This led to a major conflict between the both of us that I could not even take instructions from the supervisor (Shapiro & Ebrary, 2004). 2). The use of covert conflict behavior hindered the efficiency of communication largely. Instructions for the task of the day always came from the manager through the supervisor. Due to the existence of covert conflict behavior, I always got partial information on the performance of the task.

Due to the feeling of being betrayed, communication had to be cut off between us. The repercussion of the communication breakdown came hard on the institution in performance and profitability. In addition, the relationship between us went sour hence slowing down the efficiency of the job and the respect of employees. For these reasons sales in our department reduced due to prolonged conflict within the department (Shapiro & Ebrary, 2004). The issue at stake was the insecurity of positions.

For this reason, the supervisor's intentions were to make me look bad on performance to eliminate competition. The conflict between us did not stop until the management and fellow workers jumped in the situation. The fall in sales of the institution could not be taken lightly and other individuals including the manager had to help with solving the problem. The most important issue that led to solving the conflict was to improve the sales as well as maintain the quality of the products. Secondly, the efficiency of the employees had to be maintained as well as maintain proper communication in the institution.

After the intervention, the conflict was resolved and everything went back to normal (Shapiro & Ebrary, 2004).3) As communication remains a vital tool in all situations, proper mechanisms should always be used to maintain proper and efficient communication. The first and most important step in problem or conflict solving is defining the conflict. Defining the conflict means identifying the source of the conflict by questioning the conflicting parties and giving them a chance to express themselves (Goldsmith, Bennis & Cloke, 2013).

When the conflict is defined, then the mediator can examine the possible solution. This is the search for the best available solution which can be accepted by the parties. The possible solution examined must then be tested with the conflicting parties. This means exercising the solution to the conflicting parties. The solution in practice must be accepted by both parties (Goldsmith, Bennis & Cloke, 2013).The solution should then be evaluated on the individuals involved in the conflict before the final decision is made.

The individuals are then observed closely to see if the solution works. Depending on the results obtained from the solution exercised, the solution is either accepted if its performance is excellent and rejected if results are not satisfactory (Goldsmith, Bennis & Cloke, 2013).

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I Dont Want to Fight About It Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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