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Curriculum vitae and cover letter - Personal Statement Example

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Kindly find attached my resume for a position in any of the aforementioned areas in your esteemed organisation. I would like to introduce myself as Priscilla Amankwah, a graduate in courses like Law, Business Studies, Psychology and Sociology. I have been awarded degrees by well renowned colleges like Sailsbury School, George Monoux, Redbridge and the Barnet College…
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Curriculum vitae and cover letter
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E-mailSummary of Profile; Confident and reliable individual with a positive attitude and good organisation skills. Additionally, punctuality as well as team playing skills as well as the ability to work under pressure exist. Education and Qualifications;September 1997- July 2002 Salisbury School September 2002- June 2003 Sir George Monoux College September 2003- June 2006 Redbridge College then on to Barnet college GCSE grades; English language B Mathematics B Computer Studies (IT) B English literature B Double science C, C Religious Studies A* French C Textiles Technology B Qualifications achieved GNVQ Business Intermediate level Merit Sociology (A-Level) A Pitman's word processing 1st class pass Psychology (A-Level) B Advanced Business Studies (AVCE) Merit Computer Key skills Business Studies (AS-Level) B Law (AS-Level) C Psychology (AS-Level) B Employment history;2000.

2 Saturdays and holidays; sales assistant and hairdresser at M&V Cosmetics. Responsibilities included:Serving the customers;Arranging the stock, cashier;Handling telephone queries;Recording and making orders, and Washing and styling hair.March 2001: Two weeks work experience at 'The Brand Centre'Responsibilities included: Stock taking, Re- stacking the rails, Display arrangement, Assisting customers, Working in the fitting rooms, Carrying out receptionist duties, and Continuing.

I also have the computer skills required to survive in today's world of global competition. Further, I do not limit competition to the organisational level alone. I have a quality of friendly competition that helps me develop and grow with each new day. This helps me make friends and motivate the people around me within the organisation as well. As my range of responsibilities will demonstrate, I have risen in terms of new duties with each new position. Therefore, as of now I will be able to fulfil a role in managerial, secretarial or any other area of operations.

Further, my work ethic revolves around learning something new every single day on the floor. I think I am suitable for this position in your company due to my diverse experience as well as my ability to adjust and mould myself in any situation. Further, with my capabilities I feel confident that I can contribute exponentially to your company's growth and development in the wrong with a positive effect on the work culture as well. Summary of Profile; Confident and reliable individual with a positive attitude and good organisation skills.

Additionally, punctuality as well as team playing skills as well as the ability to work under pressure exist. Skills used /learned; customer liaison, problem solving, teamwork, taking the initia

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