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Connecticut local Government - Research Paper Example

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The article by Shahid Abdul-Karim on after-school program aimed at helping young people in New Haven county forge positive life outcomes at Lincoln Basset school.JanaiKemp, an instructor for the program, believes that ‘The Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology’s’…
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Connecticut local Government
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Political Science The article by Shahid Abdul-Karim on after-school program aimed at helping young people in New Haven county forge positive life outcomes at Lincoln Basset school.JanaiKemp, an instructor for the program, believes that ‘The Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology’s’ will create experiences that are essential to the participants. The program help high school and college students make great stories for their lives.It has been an issue in our community since the kids were not engaged and had some challenges and behavioral problems.

An audit is done at the Lincoln Basset School in four areas: academics, culture, talent and climate and operations noted that the school was below standard in most areas. Shahid (2014) stated that divide among staff, lack of basic resources, such as white boards and projectors and chronic absenteeism among students was the reason for the poor performance. The school was added to the State Commissioner’s Network for underperforming schools so as to significantly improve through collaborations between the state Department of Education and local stakeholders.

(Shahid , 2014)Prior to finding the article I did not know that it was an issue within my community. When reading the article what amazed me was how the afterschool program has impacted positively to the kids as it serves as a catalyst for them to indulge into other avenues other than being closed with no exposure. I believe I feel this way because the program can help chronically low performing school rise.If I lived in my classmates’ community, I would ensure that they make use of their afterschool time to be doing something productive and impact their lives positively.

I am saying this because many at times students engage themselves into bad behaviors like smoking and drinking alcohol.Reference:Shahid. A, Karim (2014).New Haven after-school program aims for positive life outcomes forparticipants .Retrieved from

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