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Analysis of Book CoveringTadeusz Borowski's This Way for the Gas, Ladies, and Gentlemen by Sonzogni - Essay Example

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"Analysis of Book CoveringTadeusz Borowski's This Way for the Gas, Ladies, and Gentlemen by Sonzogni" paper focuses on the book which is talking about the war against poverty. He compares the two gentlemen; the smothered man in officer’s boots symbolizes poor hygiene the owner of the prosperous bar…
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Analysis of Book CoveringTadeusz Borowskis This Way for the Gas, Ladies, and Gentlemen by Sonzogni
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Introduction The world of stone talks about the transition that the main character has undergone compared to his previous experience. The world war has been used symbolically to express how the main character has been battling with poverty life .this has been clearly demonstrated in the second paragraph of the story when the author says,’…I shall wonder which one I should visit today: the smothered one on the officer’s boots, now an electrical engineer employed by the city or the owner of prosperous bar who once whispered to me (Sonzogni & Marco, 176). The character of the author is being revealed in this story as him being observant in everything that he comes across. When he takes his strolling across the poor district, his trait comes out clearly as he is able to notice how the level of poverty has heated the province. The way he describe the women, children and men brings out the real state that is on the ground. Although through his observation he is unable to impact the society, he uses other means like pen and paper to express the status of the society. He says, ‘I have managed to lose valuable time. Pull my long abandoned paper out of drawer. And since then the world has not blown away ((Sonzogni & Marco, 180). This is evidently that the author is talking about the war of against poverty. He compares the two gentlemen; the smothered man in officer’s boots symbolizes poor hygiene that can make someone to suffocate and the owner of prosperous bar who used to call his, ’Brother ,brother’ .Probably the owner of prosperous bar was once a beggar who wanted to comfort himself with the author because they had common background of poverty Through the analysis of the story, the main theme of poverty is being focused by the author. He takes his long afternoon visiting the poorest of his city during his summer time. During his visit, the author reveal how depth the poverty has engulf his district and how the women and children lives have been diver stated by poverty. “I watch the peasant woman squatting near their wares against the wall of bombed out houses, the dirty children running between the puddles chasing rag ball and the dust covered sweaty work men who work from dawn till dusk hummer at trolley bus rail along deserted street” Describe the clothes of the peasant trader women as smelly. This shows how this society is struggling to make their life to become better (Sonzogni & Marco, 179). Immorality is another theme that the author is trying to bring out in this society. Most of the women are trying to use all means as a way of survival. At one point the author is telling us that during his visit at the poor district, women were trying to seduce him with their bareness of their knees and their coiffed hair. This is uncouth character that the society should avoid because it will pollute the whole society if other members of the society will depict it. Girls are supposed to create positive president to the upcoming ones for the society to grow in a positive direction. This theme of immorality is being illustrated when the author says,’..And rub against hot female bodies without slightest emotions, even though the girls might try to seduce me ’(Sonzogni & Marco 178). The author through his stroll between these two societies, we are able to have a clear different view regarding social and economic aspects of the two societies. The poor district has uncivilized and struggle way of stabilizing individual economy. The streets of the poor district are overcrowded and people have to special place to socialize. As he put it out, he saw children running with their ragged ball between puddles .the houses of the poor district is being described as of poor quality with bombed out walls. On the other hand when the author goes to his place, he describes the place as classy. This is evidently when he says,..’I walk with dignity in to the massive cool building made of granite’ (Sonzogni & Marco, 179). This is the state or art that any person would wish to stay in as compared to that of the poor district. In every society the mode of generating income is very important and every person will have to work hard in order to achieve what he or she wants. It can be food or having a posh house to stay in with your family and those that you love. The author brings out this noble trait of individuals in this article. For example when he was strolling along poor district, he encountered women and men who were very industrious at deserted streets. This shows how they are dedicated to their chores. He says, “Sweaty workmen who from dawn till dusk hammer trolley bus rails along deserted streets..Workers with their muscular arms and tired eyes” (Sonzogni & Marco, 178). How the author describes this people is a clear indication that they are dedicated individuals who are industrious and have the wheel to want to achieve what they want in their life. When he describes the transition of individual For example he uses the two gentlemen whom he use to know from different profession have now changed to a better and attractive profession. The gentleman who used to call him’ Brother, brother ‘now owns prosperous bar and smothered man is now an electrical engineer in the city. There is a theme of change in the article, the author is reflecting his past and comparing it to the present. He is comparing the role of his friends at the past and present. He refers the two gentlemen who had previous responsibilities and now they have changed their responsibilities. The gentleman who had the responsibility of smothering is now a city electrical engineer. According to the article, humanity is being depicted as unfair phenomenon because it does not speak for equality across all people regardless of individual status. This is being demonstrated on the way people are living after the aftermath of the war. The province has been ruin on as people are living in poor habitant full of overgrown grass, bombed up building and dusty environment (Sonzogni & Marco, 178). The role of the woman in the story has been outlined clearly as with mostly being to prepare food and kitchen. The author says that when he went back to the house, his wife was in the kitchen washing the dishes. Being human in this text is the ability to share transformation and intellectual life among people. This will enable the society to share life. Human are being considered as sacred and all issues related to human is treated with a lot of moral and dignity with the fundamental obligation is to respect God. We are all treated as children of God in this context. Catholic intellectual tradition a place of shared, transformative, Work cited Top of Form Sonzogni, Marco. This Way: Covering/uncovering Tadeusz Borowskis This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen. Wellington, N.Z: Dunmore Publishing, 2011. Print. Bottom of Form Read More
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