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The Role of Newton in the Development of Calculus - Essay Example

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The essay "The Role of Newton in the Development of Calculus" states that During his life, Newton made several contributions in the mathematic world, especially in calculus. His achievements include; the introduction of binomial expansion for the turning of particular expressions into series…
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The reductions are a means of recreating binomials in an alternate way and it is also a means of entry into the method of fluxions. The theorem was the start of Newton’s mathematical innovation (Dunham 6). In 1666, Newton made his first contribution to calculus through the introduction of fluxions. In late 1665 before his first publication, Newton had made studies on the tangent problems by combining velocity components of the moving points in a proper coordinate system. This was vital for the introduction of fluxions which is a key component in geometric applications (Edwards 191).

Newton was capable of exploiting the concepts of antidifferentiation and differentiation by the substitution methods. This is the equivalent of what is called integration and chain rule by substitution. This is essential in the building of calculus of fluxions (Edwards 196). Newton applied the method of successive approximations in his De Analysis to the reversion of series. Newton proceeds further to use the technique of reversion of series in the discovery of the sine and cosine series (Edwards 205).

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