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Conflicts of Edward Wanshear Wynkoop - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Conflicts of Edward Wanshear Wynkoop" states that right from the beginning of Wynkoop's career he saw nothing but trouble. Being in Kansas when the place was given its title; ‘Bleeding Kansas’, Wynkoop supported the free men, and that marked the beginning of a wonderful career…
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Conflicts of Edward Wanshear Wynkoop
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In 1858, that is when Edward Wanshear Wynkoop was only 22, the governor of Kansas territory General J.W. Denver formed a to check upon and administer a group of people who had started to settle at the junction or boundary between Cherry Creek and the South Platte river. This is the place where the city of Denver stands today. In the little group that was formed, Wynkoop was made the Sheriff and therefore had the honor of being the first-ever sheriff of Arapahoe county. This is where the future Denver was going to stand too. His influence, even at such a young age, can be proved by the acknowledgment of the fact that the name ‘Denver’ for the city so popular today, was proposed by none other than Edward Wanshear Wynkoop (Greene, 1904).

Edward Wynkoop was continuously surrounded by conflicts. They occurred both in his personal life and in front of the public too. He replaced the Governor of Jefferson Territory because the previous Governor, in a duel, killed Dr. J. S. Stone. Either taking inspiration from this or as a result of his own warrior’s instincts, Wynkoop himself almost became a dueler at one point. This happened when one day the soldier walked into his friend McClure’s office, Denver’s postmaster of the day. Due to the delay in payment of his post box, Wynkoop's mail was being held. When the officer demanded release his friend denied it.

And so, Wynkoop in all his fury, challenged McClure, his very own friend to a duel of rifles at sixty paces which McClure with a very heavy heart accepted. Now all that was on Wynkoop's mind was target practice. And a few days later he was shooting with the accuracy of anything. A lady friend of McClure is recorded saying ‘Mackey, you’re a dead duck if you face that Kansas jayhawker!’ The fight however never took place even though the adversaries reached the spot on time with quite a crowd ready to see the proceedings. This was because McClure, owing to his second thoughts, backed off and apologized. The two men became friends and left happy. This incident is important because it shows the purity and simplicity of Wynkoop’s heart and mind (Isern, 1979).

Another such story involving Wynkoop took place when Charles Harrison murdered James Hill on the 2nd of December, 1860. Unfortunately, Wynkoop and Hill had gotten into a quarrel that day earlier. Hill had even threatened Wynkoop saying that he was going to whip the officer. Later that day in a bar Charles Harrison, whom Wynkoop had already kept from killing another man that same day, shot Hill four times in a bar thus mortally wounding him. Wynkoop had also been present there at the time. However, the jury was unable to reach any verdict in this case (Rocky, 1859).

Wynkoop was quite the actor in his time too. Being heavily involved in dramatics himself he met Louise Wakely who herself was a professional actress. Louise was more than just famous among the men of her circle and had quite a few suitors wanting to take her hand in marriage. But out of all those she shoes Edward Wanshear Wynkoop. At the age of 25 on the 21st of August, 1861, Wynkoop and Wakely got married. Their family grew to welcome eight children, just like Wynkoop’s own siblings. Wynkoop was known for keeping poor company even though he was quite popular and this was what Louise had to bear with and she accepted her responsibility eagerly.

Over the next few decades, Wynkoop’s career only grew and his experience grew incomparable. He saw it all; the issue of slavery in Kansas, the gold rush to Pikes Peak, the conquest of the plains tribes, the flourishing of Western politics, and whatnot.

Struck with Bright’s disease, Wynkoop died at the age of 55 on 11 September 1891. He left behind sim teachings of moral strength and bravery along with a street in Denver, which is now called ‘Wynkoop street’ after him. Read More
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