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Extra Credit - Essay Example

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The paper "Extra Credit" tells us about the mistakes of most people. Common mistake (where the mistake is shared by both parties, is fundamental, and directly affects the basic definition of what the parties are contracting for)…
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Extra Credit
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Mistakes serve as a learning experience for most people.  Several people tend to take corrections personally than pick up the broken pieces and correct the mistake. Mistakes can be taken either positively or negatively depending on one’s perspective of life. The optimists always take mistakes as a turning points in their lives while the optimists always take mistakes as a failure in their lives. Mistakes can be taken positively when an individual takes them as an incentive to improve and grow (Grodin, 44).

The mistake that taught me a key lesson was a case when I was preparing to finish a 100-kilo road contest; I equipped myself with imagination and apportioned my exercises and runs. On every, long exercising run I would picture myself taking part in 50 to 60 miles with an excellent running form, at the same time retaining the perfect, stable pace.  Fascinatingly, my vision was only working in my head since I accomplished the 50 to 60 mile inside my head.  This happened because I was not so familiar with metrics; 100 kilos are represented by 62.2 miles. In my mind, my calculations were around 60 miles; this made me miss the finalizing 2.2 miles. I am mistakenly mentally ready for the final 2.2 miles. I learned wise people always set a complete vision that is both in the mind and the practical bit (Grodin, 82).

Unfortunately, I realized that I was making a mistake when I was engaged on the pitch and the dent was clear. As we were taking part in the race, I realise that my vision was the wrong one, because of my lack of consultation and teamwork. A lot of individuals think that noteworthy experiences come from the experiences we had with success which is not always the case. While preparing for my race, I would wake up unusually early to exercise, I mean I invested a lot of time and energy in the race just to come and realize that I was working for the wrong program. I do not regret the mistake I made, but I think it went on a long way, to make me learn something new (Grodin, 87).

I will never repeat this mistake again as I learned that there are things in this life that we can never succeed in alone. I had a mentality that my goals were mine and mine alone and never took the chance to consult or share them with a second party. I, later on, realized that this party could have given me a lead on what I did not know. Perhaps, hooking up with a metric-literate friend would help me avoid such problems in the future. The most notable mistakes made by athletes involve; over-training and under-training.  The preferable method of avoiding such overrated mistakes is by documentation of the appropriate styles of training. A considerable number of trainers have data relating to the miles run covered and the time frame, biking, number of times taken running, swimming, and the place of the events. The data helps the individual to improve their performances and keep them safe from injuries (Grodin, 54).

I have learned that no man is a granary of knowledge; we need each other for success. Human beings were meant to operate like a system such that when one part of the system is nonfunctional the system cannot work properly. For an individual to understand their point of weakness and mistakes, they need to adopt a procedure that assists with the latter. The starting point is being honest to oneself; by admitting the mistake so that we create room for learning. Secondly, one should keep on recalling the mistake to avoid future repetitions of the same. This can be successfully handled by the diary method; where an individual keeps the milestones of their lives. The diary method enables the individual to keep the experiences they have encountered in check (Grodin, 94).

As an athlete, my mistake was not keeping track of my previous athlete experiences; I came to learn of keeping records at my college level which is not a fascinating report to make. It is also advisable for one to plan a schedule to adhere to ensure a scheduled practice. Through such records, one notes their points of weakness and set plans on improving on the weaknesses. This plan can be achieved by allocating more time to do what one feels is their weak point. To keep the schedule fascinating, one is advised to record, not only the business part by also the attention-grabbing beings one came into contact with to make reviewing and analysis of the information captivating. These ideas not only help one to keep track records of one’s career or hobbies but also could be a ground for new ideas such as writing and movie starring (Grodin, 104).


The most significant part of the records kept is finding an opportunity to mirror the events, reconsider the findings, and analysis of the information in the record sheet. It is paramount to regularly go over the training or exercise log to assess the blunders and the accomplishments. The challenge that surrounds most individuals is repeating the same old mistakes. A wise person makes new mistakes enabling them to learn more and avoid the old mistakes (Grodin, 114).

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