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Darwin The Origin of Species - Admission/Application Essay Example

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Despite the fact that it is simple, people have understood the theory and still misunderstand it up to present day. One scholar, Ernst Mayr tried to break It down in his book; One Long Argument…
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Darwin The Origin of Species
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Darwin The Origin of Species Natural selection was a revolutionary idea by Charles Darwin however simple itis. Despite the fact that it is simple, people have understood the theory and still misunderstand it up to present day. One scholar, Ernst Mayr tried to break It down in his book; One Long Argument (1991) and managed to identify five facts that would help explain how this theory works and added just three inferences to it. The very first conclusion of the three is drawn from the three facts that Darwin realized in the world as he studied it.

The first being the fact that living organisms often produce more off springs than themselves to replace them in the planet. This, he though ,might lead to rapid population increase but after observing keenly, he realized that the population numbers remained stable and there were no alarming increases, this was the second fact and the third fact was that the resources available to humans were quickly running out with the steady growth in population. It was from these three facts that he drew a conclusion that was very simple but many people did not notice: individuals compete with other individuals for the little resources available.

Darwin made two further observations on individuals; one being the fact that each and every individual is unique in his or her own way and one look at two different people will prove that. After doing an experiment with pigeons, he also made a conclusion that the unique traits that individual persons have can be inherited or simply passed on to the next offspring. The difference between natural selection and domestic selection is that natural selection results from a collection of factors that support a particular type of variations while domestic selection is deliberate and purposefully done by humans.

The sole similarity that these two have is that the parties involved are determined to survive in their environment and that remains their common factor (Darwin & comfort).The struggle for existence exists because the resources available for the large population of living organisms are very little meaning that to survive one has to struggle to get to an advantage position from where they can get at least a portion of the available resources to survive on. Struggle features in natural selection because natural selection is all about trying to get at least a little of what is available and the struggle is all part of the natural selection as it is the actual process.

The greatest objection to the theory of evolution by Darwin was the creation by God with nearly everyone insisting that there must be some kind of involvement by the Almighty during the beginning times. Darwin has however refuted these claims and suck to his theory that man evolved from, some funny creatures to the new upright creature that is the most intelligent in the world. This was further backed by the studies as well as archeologists who have unearthed skeletons of the early creatures that evolved into man after several thousand years.

Work citedDarwin, Charles, and Ray Comfort. The origin of species. 150th anniversary ed. Alachua, Fla.: Bridge Logos Foundation, 2009. Print.

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