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Research and Critical Thinking Study Questions: (The Ethics of Emergencies) - Assignment Example

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Rand in her essay argues that human being has values which are hierarchical and must act on the top most value, which affects an individual personally. However, those that act in disregard to their values do so for lack of self esteem (Rosenstand, 2013). The value of sacrifice…
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Research and Critical Thinking Study Questions: (The Ethics of Emergencies)
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Critical Thinking Study Question Rand in her essay argues that human being has values which are hierarchical and must act on the top most value, which affects an individual personally. However, those that act in disregard to their values do so for lack of self esteem (Rosenstand, 2013). The value of sacrifice is as a result of non recognition of one’s self esteem and for those that he loves. Moreover, Rand says that all people should practice objectivism and thus helping other amount to disrespecting them.

According to Rand, altruism makes people give up their values while helping other people. Objectivism requires people to be self-centered so as to maximize their benefit to people whom they are attached to such as the family members. Rand says doing otherwise would be disrespecting the people whom we ought to protect and cherish.Question 2Rand has a negative view of reciprocal altruism. She does not like the selfless for the benefit of other people (Rosenstand, 2013). She should differentiate between altruism and ideal.

An ideal situation is that where people sacrifice love and care for their spouses and children. On the other hand, reciprocal altruism is disregarding one’s self and caring for other (Rosenstand, 2013). In her argument, Rand says that the extent of self-sacrifice should not be misunderstood with idealism. Self destruction while caring for strangers does not constitute idealism. People ought to risk their live when those who matters to them are endangered (Rosenstand, 2013). Question 3In social and political context, objectivism would result to resentment and hatred.

People would accuse other of neglecting them for their own worth, and hence resources are meant to be shared equally. Political offices are established to serve all people in a given territory. Therefore, the expectations of people are beyond reproach and every leader must rise above self. Leaders govern by abiding to the social contract that they are the servant of all people regardless of association, race or affiliation.Therefore, a true leader is who devote all his energy and resources for the sake of his follower even if he or she disregards his own well being.

Altruism call for selfless in serving humanity.Question 4Rand would refute the idea of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism advocate for the pursuant of service to people and to one’s self. On the other hand, objectivism advocates for the pursuant of happiness regardless the situation of other people. Therefore, utilitarianism is a selfless measure that disregards ones happiness for the sake of others. According to Rand, utilitarianism can only be realized if objectivism is practiced to the extent of avoiding high risks and harm while helping other people.

Question 5 Western civilization is characterized by objectivism and self interest (Rosenstand, 2013). The idea of ethical relativity is evidence of love for ones culture compared to other people ways of life. It is evident how the early explorer experienced culture shock when they encountered people who had no regard for cloth and shelter. The early sailors reported that some tribe in India and Africa were so primitive and yet it was there way of life. This was unbiased regard of other people culture.

However, according to Rand, it was objectivism at practice because the Westerner loved their culture more than other people cultures.Question6Rand argument of the dichotomy of objectivism and altruism is more compelling than her critics who argue that objectivism is an idea of capitalist. History has proven Rand’s ideas with the fall of communism. Objectivism encourages self-sacrifice in matters that are worth personal values. However, capitalist borrow their endeavor from objectivism in material possession, and this cannot be the subject of dismissing the dichotomy of altruism and objectivism.

ReferencesRosenstand, N. (2013). The Moral of the Story. An Introduction to Ethics. New York. McGraw Hill. Print.

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