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Concealment and Exposure - Essay Example

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This essay "Concealment and Exposure" focuses on the philosopher who argues that for an individual to have a decent life he/she must know the purpose of living not only life, the philosopher views people who are not attached to any religious belief will never find comfort or support feeling…
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? Philosophy The main conclusion of the easy The philosopher argues that for an individual to have a decent life he/she must know the purpose of living not only life, the philosopher views people who are not attached to any religious believe will never find comfort or support feeling of meaning and purpose to their lives. This is because religions often claim that information that life gives is that we will feel good and comforted, and live a meaningful life if we accept that religion. And indeed many religions to offer a kind comfort to those who believe, even though you are experiencing challenges of life such as poverty or sickness. They are motivated and have directions with clear mission in life. Religious people are the only ones to feel comfort through their supernatural powers where their involved in religious practices to seek divine interventions, from their practices such as prayers. Through these activities they believe that their goals will be achievable as they work under these motivation aspects to achieve their goals. Non religious are viewed as people who will only feel comfortable when the things they care about overcome challenges on them and prevail their success, that the only thing that can bring meaning to their life. The Relationship between the religious people and non religious is that all groups have to work under certain motivation factors to gain comfort, by committing themselves to things they care about such as, promising careers, their families and material things to support their satisfaction in life. Even though, they have different capabilities and approaches to achieve them. Religious people may seek supernatural assistance to overcome their challenges while the non religious have to come up with new things to counter the challenges they face every day in their life... Finally to be on the light sides to know the meaning of life is being able to learn the meaning of comfort which will help people achieve a meaningful life, without literary interpreting it as only information we learn or reflect only on purpose of life merely as to accomplish certain tasks we believe we were created for on this universe. The premises Tom Nagel also a philosopher argues that life is not about accomplishing purposes or meeting certain objectives that we interpret to have been created for, while we feel uncomfortable and loss of sense to them. as per religious believe that God created us to abide by the religious rules and acknowledge his presence, but to do things in a way that opens up to us the meaning of life why we should live? What do we think about for our comfort? This what those religious practices teaches Christian’s to trust so that they can overcome difficulties in their life and find comfort for a meaningful life. Therefore, life has not actually been fully understood by people as their view things according to their understanding and external influences may be their customs, beliefs and norms will evaluate their meaning of life. In fact, there is endless interpretation of life from all sorts of things and evidences, so circumstances and practices we do in our life shapes our comfort levels and the purposes we should achieve in our life for us to live or have a mean full living on universe. Life has so many encounters and challenges every day and people in every generation that preceded the other. They try to interpret things that are beyond their power differently and have different views, solutions and understanding on them. The main purpose of the questions people have every day in their life is to get the information and the real background why things happen like that, and what can we do to understand them. For example, people may want to know. What does it mean when the sky above is blue but there is a dark line all the way around the horizon? This question may find a lot of answers from different angles. Where people may see it according to the purpose they think is there to serve so information cannot only define the purpose of life, this is not only when we find motivation and comfort in our life, that what we can refer as a meaningful life. Evaluation The philosopher compares two aspects in understanding life, getting the different between the purpose and the literary meaning of life, not only viewing life as self organizing process which is naturally powered without our influences and emotional feelings on it. Life is not considered as the only actions we do or the intentions behind our actions, for example if individuals had power to create other human being then the meaning of his actions would meet the purpose of having these individuals. The philosopher tries to tussle the thinking of the students so that they can have rational thinking of things that life is not all about accomplishing what you intend to do but to motivation in doing it, let those actions make you existence comfortable and help you have a meaningful life without challenges or living in misery. The other critic the philosopher uses is about people believes on different religions, where it is argued that if you are in one of the preferred religions you will find the meaning of life as through teaching and trusting in the preferred customs of that particular religion will know the meaning of life, as through your trust you will feel comfortable, motivated and enjoying meaningful life even though your poor and facing difficulties. This simplifies the meaning of life by attributing to things, comfort and motivation in life process of human being. The philosopher also gives a literally example of the sky being blue and the ring surrounding it all the way to the horizon. In this context the word meaning is much like giving information but trying to figure out what the information is there without thinking the purpose behind it. In this sense is like asking what information life gives us and what it teaches us, it can be assumed that life is universal, comforting, and useful to make people feel more meaningful. After all, people who are not inclined to the supernatural, may not possibly get answers to their questions on religious bases as the believers of the same religions. The philosopher concludes by arguing that even though you are a member of any religion or not you must devote yourself to the daily activates your consider beneficial to your life, which will bring comfort and seeing the people we care about are happy that what will make meaningful life to us. Reference Nagel, T. (2004). Concealment and Exposure: And Other Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. Read More
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