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Chines Artist Mr. Zhang Xin - Essay Example

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The writer of this paper states that Mr. Zhang Xin is a famous painter, in this picture, he tries to illustrate Chinese culture through his painting. The rooster was a universal solar symbol across Eurasia, the Near and Middle East, and Europe as a bird that heralded the dawn with its crowing…
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Chines Artist Mr. Zhang Xin
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Cock fighting is said to be the world’s oldest spectator sport and was entrenched in ancient India, China, Persia, and other Eastern countries, and was introduced into Ancient Greece in the time of Themistocles (c. 524–460 BC). In 1949 Mao Zedong, poet and founder of New China, wrote a verse that included the stanza: "The rooster sings, the bright sky turns.” The rooster is known to be a fierce fighter; this line celebrates its proclamation to the nation of victory over darkness at the start of each day.

In this sense the battling rooster is symbolic, but China also has a history of competitive cock fighting that dates back 4,000 years. It is, therefore, deeply rooted in its culture. Goading roosters into fighting is an easy matter, as it is their instinct to ward off any rivals for their hen harem.

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Chines Artist Mr. Zhang Xin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Chines Artist Mr. Zhang Xin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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