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Health Care Reform Compare and Contrast - Research Paper Example

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Health care reform is a general term   used in discussing major health policies and also a creation of changes that affect healthcare delivery in a given area it mainly attempts to; decrease the cost of health care, allocate more care to citizens, improve access to health care…
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Health Care Reform Compare and Contrast
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Statistics claims that 86 percent of the citizens in Tennessee have insurance. However, the number has been decreasing for the past twenty years which mean that about 14 percent of the citizens in Tennessee remain unprotected. Employers who offer health insurance to their employees are good with a 54.7 percent who specifically offer health insurance plans to their employees. This percentage has been recorded steadily to increase which is expected to include more citizens in the health insurance policy which is expected to include more citizens in the health insurance policy.

On the other hand, Louisiana residents who do not have s health insurance coverage is high this has contributed to the state having the highest where only 80 percent of Louisiana citizens are protected. It is projected that in case of an emergency, Louisiana would be the worst hit since access to health care if difficult in this state but also the quality of health is low compared with Tennessee. In Louisiana, only 52 percent of employers offer their employees with a health benefit insurance cover.

This has attracted the attention of health staffs who are working towards the possibility of increasing the percentage of employers within the state who are ready to offer health insurance to their employees that are expected to lower the unprotected citizen percentage. Nevertheless, Louisiana offers the best rates of primary care physicians who are available to help people (H.CO, 2010). For Louisiana to increase in offering health care to its citizen more public health funding which has helped Tennessee to grow should also be increased in Louisiana to increase the number of protected citizen that may help the state to at least be at the same level with Tennessee.

Tennessee statistically is placed at one of the least healthy states across the nation where the united health

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