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BUS / Organizational Behavior - Coursework Example

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First, the study is critical because it helps in the motivation of workers especially when they are under the supervision of their clients are…
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BUS / Organizational Behavior
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Hawthorne Study Components of the Hawthorne study are incorporated in the current human resource functions in different ways worth mentioning. First,the study is critical because it helps in the motivation of workers especially when they are under the supervision of their clients are superiors. It means the Hawthorne effect comes with a psychological phenomenon that influences the major decisions by human resource management (HRM) personnel. Second, the study is crucial in streamlining workers’ competencies in terms of achieving the organizational vision through its set goals and objectives.

On that account, HRM introduces efficient communication channels that affirm HR functions of business ethics to encourage critical values such as respect and honesty in dealing with performance. The main idea behind the Hawthorne study was to instil high performance in workers through coordinated motivation under the supervision of the HR office. Determining workplace relationship between employees, their colleagues, and clients is another reason why the study is prevalent in the organizational set-up.

It demonstrates HR functions must always stress on communication as a vital element of facilitating roles and responsibilities to attain various goals and objectives (Baack, 2012). In my past work setting, I have felt the impact of the components of Hawthorne study in diverse ways. For instance, I posted excellent results when my supervisors were present to assessment my projects than when I was alone. It is a testimony of the relationship between establishing a work ethic within the confines of authority to strengthen a long-term organizational culture.

Overall, the study helped me to improve my capabilities and skills for the benefit of the company. ReferenceBaack, D. (2012). Organizational Behaviour. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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