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Systems Analysis and Design - Case Study Example

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Systems Analysis and Design
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System analysis and design: Contemplative media case study Case 13 Q1. Investigate data migration from Microsoft Access to SQL Server. What tools are available to assist in or perform the migration? The Jet database engine that is employed as the Access database engine is an easy-to-use, flexible solution for management of data. Nonetheless, as databases get larger and extra mission critical, most users find that they need security, greater performance or availability. For the applications that need a robust data platform, move the fundamental databases to SQL Server.

The Access SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) can find Access databases. It is possible to export metadata regarding the databases to the SQL Server (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2012).Q2. Develop plans to test the migration tools/strategy in advance of full deployment. When should the test be performed, and how will you determine whether the test has been “passed”?Test the schema conversion – evaluate each table manually and every field type and definition. Also, evaluate keys along with indexes.

Test the data conversion – use a program to read the data from all databases and compare data values. The data reads must comprise easy queries and intricate joins and read by values index.Evaluate the insertion of fresh data records in the databases to make sure that it works similarly in all.Test the procedures (modules and macros) that work in the database limits.Upon converting the database, test the interaction amid the database plus the applications that employ it.Lastly, carry out an independent Acceptance Test of every user activity.

To identify if the migration succeeded, the primary step is evaluating database values between new and old systems, a test called a parallel type of test. The finishing success is the acceptance test, performing business operations, as well as processes effectively (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2012).Q3. Develop a total project test plan to integrate all the subsystems. Discuss which types of testing you would include and why.The system will develop in every iteration. Integration testing shall be done as part of every iteration.

The first system testing will be done in each iteration as a part of the build and smoke testing that is done. Nevertheless, a complete system testing will be conducted as part of a separate system as well as acceptance test activity. Now that integration testing along with build and smoke testing is conducted in each iteration, at the project end, there shall be the definition of a testing iteration to finalize system testing. In this final iteration, the following will take place. System testing, acceptance testing and stress and performance testing (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2012).Case 14Q1. Based on Figure 14-6—the XP methodology— divide your use cases into releases and iterations within each release.

Develop a project iteration plan that includes the necessary activities at each level (system, release, iteration) for integration testing and acceptance testing. Compare your answer to this question to the project iteration plan you developed for Chapter 9.Release IterationDescription Use Cases1#1Implement first Agent and Office use casesAdd contemplative media practiceUpdate contemplative media infoAdd new contemplative media practiceUpdate contemplative media practiceDelete contemplative media practice#2Implement first practice use casesAdd new practiceDelete practiceRecord practice changeView practice1.

1#1Enhance deployed agent and office use cases.Produce list of contemplative media offices and agentsView statistics and histories of contemplative media practices #2Deploy system for acceptance test as well as production releaseCleanup and acceptance testQ2. Discuss the requirements of this system for mobility devices. What use cases would be best utilized on a mobile device? What use cases would be best with a desktop user interface?This system is used by contemplative media agents who rarely are in their offices and the media managers who work frequently in their offices.

Therefore, the use cases that mostly apply to media managers will work well on larger computers with screens and keyboards. Some use cases, especially those for view the contemplative practices, will work well for notepads and laptops as well as for smartphone devices (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2012). Q3. Can you identify any use cases that would best be implemented as a mashup Web application? Discuss which ones might fit this requirement and why?The entire use cases as well as pages that view practices would be improved if map and location information are provided.

This will facilitate both customers and agents to use the site to find locations of contemplative media practices. Other possible mashups may include: images of the neighborhood and adjacent areas, news feed for customers out of town and locations of important areas. References Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2012). Systems analysis and design in a changing world. Boston, MA: Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

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