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Diabetes and Mental Health - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Diabetes and Mental Health" tells that diabetes and mental health are widely spreading global health problems, and the paper explores factors for the prevalence of diabetes and mental health in the UK. The paper begins with a commonality of both diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes…
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Diabetes and Mental Health
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The factors found responsible for the prevalence of diabetes in the UK include genetic transfer, environmental factors, viruses and infections, physical inactivity, excess workload, use of artificial flavors, etc. while the factors responsible for mental illness in the UK include infections, pregnancy, lack of essential nutrients, psychological factors, poor parenting, poor relationships, economic problems, poor relationships, family destructions, social expectations, etc. The differences between mental illness and mental disorders have also been elaborated in the discussion for better understanding. Recommendations have been made based on the discussion. They include out of family marriage, addressing environmental issues sincerely, taking precautions against viruses, encouraging breastfeeding, increasing physical activities, reducing workload, minimizing the use of artificial flavor, eating more nutritious food, taking precautions during sexual intercourse as well as pregnancy, improving parenting and addressing to several social factors responsible for the prevalence of these dangerous diseases.

Diabetes and mental illness are among the most prevalent diseases in the United Kingdom. People with these disorders die prematurely as compared to other diseases. Other than the deaths from accidents or unnatural incidents, the number of deaths from diabetes and mental illness is quite high. The relationship between diabetes and mental illness is now recognized on a broader scale (Diabetes U.K 2010). Usually, two types of diabetes are found in co-occurrence with schizophrenia, and that pairing of glucose tolerance affects a person's overall health.

Both the diseases collectively misuse substances present in the body, affecting patients' health severely, leading to mortality. Through several types of research, it is evaluated that people with diabetes are more likely to die than cothanpeople without evidence of diabetes in their bodies. (Vinogradova et al. 2014) The researesearchhe the death rates and the patients with such diseases are is no longer by the researchers, yet the research on the factors causing these diseases is still not on the broader scale. 

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“Factors for the Prevalence of Diabetes and Mental health(inpatient) in Research Paper”, n.d.
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