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History of Commercial Aviation - Research Paper Example

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They fled mail between Daytona Beach and St. Petersburg. By the mid 1930, national airlines started to expand their mail routes. Entering World War II, these airlines began to offer pilot training and transported military…
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History of Commercial Aviation
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History of general aviation Start of first airlines National airlines started in 1934 as airmail carriers. They fled mail between Daytona Beach and St. Petersburg. By the mid 1930, national airlines started to expand their mail routes. Entering World War II, these airlines began to offer pilot training and transported military and aircraft troops. This provided income that was needed by the airline to stay sustainable (, 2014). National airlines were given passenger routes between Florida and New York operating DC-4’s, in 1944 (, 2014).

In addition, national airlines installed computer reservation systems that enabled them to be a competitive edge. Passengers could easily book their flights over the telephone. Commuter airlines started as Broome County Aviation Inc. from the start of this airline in 1957 to the end in 1984; this airline was run by the Winston family. This airline carries people over short distances and run on a regular schedule. These short distances may be between Boston and New York.AirmailBy 1917, the United States government felt that a significant progress had been done in developing planes and warranted a new idea.

This new idea was transporting mail by air. During that year, Congress took $100,000 for an experimental airmail service to be carried out jointly by the Post Office and the Army between New York and Washington D.C, with a midway stop in Philadelphia (Wells and Wensveen, 52). With many war-surplus aircrafts been seen, the Post Office set its places of interest on the transcontinental air service. On May 15, 1919, the first segment was opened between Cleveland and Chicago and the air route was completed on September 8, 1920, when the toughest part of the course, the Rocky Mountains, was covered.

By the use of airplanes to deliver mail, the Post Office gained the capabilities of shaving a significant 22hours off coast to coast deliveries of mail (Wells and Wensveen, 54).Development since 1945As different governments met the scope and standards for developing civil air industry when the war was ending, the United States took a maximum operating freedom position. The airline companies in the United States were not hit harder such as the Asian and European airline companies. This first choicefor operating organizations goes on, with limitations, to the present day.

As World War I, World War II made the airline industry change a lot. Many airline companies in the Allied nations were even from lease agreements to the military. These airline companies anticipated a future increase demand for civil air transport, for both cargo and passengers 90 (Brown, 66). They were ready to capitalize in the newly emergent air travel flagships such as the Douglas DC-6, Boeing Stratocruiser and Lockheed Constellation. Many of these aircrafts were built on American bombers like the B-29.

The B-29 had a spearheaded investigation into new technologies like the pressurization. It offered improved efficiency from both greater payload and added speed. A significant improvement in the aviation industry was in the 1970s when the Lockheed L-1011, McDonnell Douglas and Boeing 747 initiated the services of the jumbo jet, which still remains to be a regular in international air travel (Brown, 67). What is a legacy carrier?This is an airline that has at present established interstate routes by the time liberalization of routes was effected and allowed by the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978.

DeregulationThe United States airline industry deregulation in 1970 dropped federally controlled barriers for many new airlines just when the national economy downturn took place. During this downturn, new start-ups emerged, whereby they found funding and aircraft, contracted maintenance and hangar services, trained new workers and employed individuals who were fired from other airlines (Wintson and Morrison, 4). Major airlines conquered their routes by offering additional capacity and pricing aggressively.

It frequently swamped new start-ups. Ever since deregulation in 1978, the regular domestic ticket price has reduced by 40%. 1980 to PresentEmphasis changes were seen in the past years. The revolutionary progress was no longer seen in material’s technology, flight speeds and distances. During this era, the spread of a digital revolution was seen both in manufacturing techniques, aircraft designs and flight avionics. In 1986, Jeana Yeager and Dick Rutan Voyager flew with an airplane around the world without landing and refueling it.

During the start of the 21st century, advancements in technology enabled military aviation to start using aircrafts that had no pilots (Wintson and Morrison, 7).Effects on General AviationMany aircraft engines produce sound and emit gases that lead to global dimming and climate change. Even though there are more noise reduction, less polluting turbofan and more fuel efficient engines, the increased growth of air travel in the current years has led to an increase in pollution due to aviation. In addition, aviation has led to increased warfare between nations, because there are more advanced aircrafts designed specifically for war purposes.

Works “History of National Airlines.” Aviation Online Magazine. 3 April 2014. Web. 10 April. 2014., Deward Clayton. Globalization and America Since 1945. Maryland: Rowman& Littlefield, 2003. 65-67.Wells, Alexander T and Wensveen, John G. Air Transportation: A Management Perspetive. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, 2007. 52-54.Wintson, Clifford and Morrison, Steven.The Evolution of the Airline Industry.

Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 1995. 4-9.

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