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Discouragement of Genetically Modified Organisms - Essay Example

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In an essay "Discouragement of Genetically Modified Organisms" that synthesizes at least four of the six sources for support, there is a position that qualifies the claim that GMOs should be discouraged because it is a probable health risk and an environmental hazard…
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Discouragement of Genetically Modified Organisms
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  1. Brookes, Graham & Barfoot, Peter. 2008. Global Impact of Biotech Crops: Socio-Economic and Environmental Effects, 1996-2006 AgBioForum, Volume 11, Number 1, Article 3.

This article presents an assessment of the effect GMO technology is having on global agriculture from both economic and environmental perspectives. The article seems to assert that there could be a possibility of having a positive economic impact when all factors are put into consideration. This source is significantly resourceful in presenting counterarguments when discussing the negative impacts of GMO technology.

  1. Celec, Peter, et al. “Biological and biomedical aspects of genetically modified food.” Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 59.10 (2005): 531-540. Web. 02 Feb. 2013.

This article highlights some of the widely argued biomedical risks of GM foods such as potential allergenicity, and most importantly, horizontal gene transfer. The source also discusses the environmental side effects on biodiversity. Since the source also discusses the benefits of the first generation of GM foods, then a good comparison can be made from the same source.

  1. European Parliament and of the Council. "Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council." Official Journal of the European Communities. 2001:4. Document. Print.
  2. Green America. “Top Five Reasons To Vote Yes On Prop 37.” n.d. JPEG file.

This source gives a clear list of reasons why GMOs should not be used. The article highlights little knowledge on GMOs as one of the issues challenging the use of GMOs. Increased pesticide use is also a notable cause for alarm on the use of GMOs. This source gives a quick peek. However, it offers a good start to more in-depth research articles.

  1. Lin, Doris. "Arguments For and Against Genetically Modified Organisms." 9 October 2011. Animal Rights. About.Com. Document. 21 October 2012

Although this source is not scientifically academic, it offers a rigorous insight into the pros and cons of GMOs. This article presents good leads regarding the safety of GMOs in a clear way.

  1. Whitman, Deborah. "Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?" April 2000 ProQuest. 21 October 2012

Whilst this article is scientifically supported, it offers a distinct difference between the helpfulness and harm associated with GMOs.

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