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International Marketing Plan for Sephora - Essay Example

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Though it is more popular in the elite and luxury consumers, the cosmetic giant has the potential to dominate the Indian market by capitalizing on its…
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International Marketing Plan for Sephora
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Among the cosmetics line, the fastest growing segment is color cosmetics (Nail enamels and lipsticks). Lakme, a local brand, Tips & Toes, and Revlon have the lead in this segment. Sephora’s sensitivity to the needs and requirements of their customers is an asset in their penetration in India. Since market penetration levels of international cosmetics brands in India are low, Sephora should sell local brands, such as Lakme, the highest selling local brand, in their retail outlets. They could also partner with local product producers to produce cosmetics with local brands such as what Hindustani Lever did to the Lakme brand, by owning the cosmetics production plant of the Tata Group of Companies.

Since Indians slowly consider Western women as their model for beauty Sephora should introduce products that will accomplish this beautification dreams. They should include in their product line skin and teeth whitening products that will make Indian skin and teeth similar to occidental women. In terms of their service, they have to capitalize on the enhancement of Indians’ education and knowledge on cosmetics. Since most of their probable customers belong to the middle class, they should aim to adjust their product packaging and quality to cater this growing market.

India’s economy is currently booming at a considerable level. And most of its population is inexperienced in using cosmetics, which make education and training important to them. Other cosmetics giant had already entered India. However, most of them produce heterogeneous products. Amway, a major cosmetics player in India, offers a wide array of products such as health and nutrition products. Avon also produces apparel, Hindustani Lever, a subsidiary of Unilever, is more of a producer of household commodities than a cosmetic producer.

Sephora’s focus on the cosmetics market is one of their strengths in India market. Their specialization on cosmetics makes them

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