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ASSESSMENT ITEM 1, GEO 105 - Essay Example

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About 40% of Australia is tropical; separated from other land masses, and the nation has evolved unique flora and fauna. Since Australia lies in the southern hemisphere, its seasons are in reverse: summer being from…
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The Great Dividing Range stretching almost the whole length of the eastern continent separates the Outback from a narrow fertile strip on the east coast, where most of the country’s population is clustered; as also in the south-east region of the continent. Vast desert areas lie in Western Australia and in parts of central Australia. The country has a wide range of physical environments: landforms, geology, soils, climate, temperatures, atmosphere, water resources, rivers, coastlines, and rainfall.

The native flora and fauna form the biological environment. In this assignment, for the comparative study of the physical and biological environmental features of two different places in Australia: one urban and one rural, the city of Perth and the Riverina area respectively have been selected. Perth is the only large city of over a million people, in the entire West Coast. It is the capital of Western Australia, which covers one-third of the continent. Most of the state’s land area is preserved in its pristine and natural form; as it is home to less than 10% of the continent’s population.

Western Australia is one of the best eco-tourism destinations in the world: with various oceanic features like tropical islands, coral reef systems and dolphins in the sea waters, alongside towering forests and carpets of wild flowers (Ashworth, et al, 2004: p.89). Riverina Region: This agricultural and rural area lies in the southern part of New South Wales, to the north of Victoria. According to Swaffar, et al(2002: p.193), the Murray River which forms the border between New South Wales and Victoria, is one of the nation’s longest rivers, stretching nearly 1000 km from the Snowy Mountains to Wentworth where it merges with the Darling River (the longest river in Australia), near the border with South Australia.

In recent years, these mighty rivers have

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