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Using the internet for E-commerce - Essay Example

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Commerce’s basic mode of communication, written and verbal communication between a business and its customer or business and its suppliers or partners, remained unchanged since Adam Smith’s first…
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Using the internet for E-commerce
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sharing of product and service information, developing and maintaining human commercial relationships, and transacting business over the Internet and the World Wide Web. The Internet is bringing about a profound change in the ways business is conducted worldwide and is considered to have become the conduit for change from a producer culture to a consumer culture. Small and medium-size enterprises are the main beneficiaries of the low-cost marketing possibilities offered by the Internet, which can turn them from small niche players into global ones.

A fundamental change is happening in the world of Asian marketing that could prove a bonanza for struggling companies. The Internet is providing low-cost ways for small to medium-size businesses to get their advertising message across, focusing on specific audiences. The key to the success of niche e-businesses is first and foremost brand awareness. Second, expanding the customer base geographically is leading to the need for a greater product range to meet strong local preferences in style and fashion.

The Internet has proved to be the perfect messenger for niche interests, serving individual tastes and diverse geographical demands. According to Microsofts small business marketing manager, Linda Mitchell, one of the biggest advantages of having a Web site is improving customer service and loyalty (Small Business Success Magazine, 2001). Connecting to search engines and support organizations such as on-line directories is free in many cases and expands a companys Web presence to a much larger market.

Markus (1996) proposes that as more medium- to small-sized businesses outsource processes to vendors via the Internet, the businesses tend to focus on core activities. This trend is coupled with the trend for these businesses to increase their use of e-commerce and deliver their services and products directly to their end customers through information technology (IT), thus reducing or eliminating many of the costs

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Using the Internet for E-Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words.
“Using the Internet for E-Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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