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Learning the Game of Baseball - Essay Example

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The paper "Learning the Game of Baseball" states that a Ninety-foot squared ground, two teams of nine players each, a sequence of four bases, a bat and a ball. Ten to twelve hours of effective player schedule and an adrenaline-pumping encounter is what we expect out of a baseball game…
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Learning the Game of Baseball
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After three outs, the other team gets a chance to bat and the game goes on. In the end, the team grabbing the maximum number of runs wins. This is what the game is all about. A person can be known as a clean hitter and would have a clean chit for over 22 straight games. These are excellent statistics on the paper. But as soon as you step into the field, with over ten thousand pairs of eyes gazing at you with enthusiasm and envy, your hands will start sweating. Your heartbeats increase and your mind races faster than a maglev train. You start thinking about the psychology of the pitcher, the manner he curves the ball in the air, the speed of around 100 miles an hour ball that approaches you like a meteor and the manner in which he last set you out. You gaze at his pasture at the mound and the tired look on his face after pitching for over four hours without a break. What is he going to ball today?? Will he rely on his best deliveries that he had bowled earlier, or has he experimented with his delivery this time.

Baseball hitters can concentrate on the ball for longer than most other human beings. Psychological studies show that they can view them to an average of 120 degrees per second. In another study, the hitters did one of the two things. Either they kept a track of the delivery tell they reached to speeds that are impossible to follow- a player can farthest follow the ball to 5.5 feet in front of the bat, or they watch the first few feet of the ball movement and later on believed in their instincts to move to the place they expect the ball to go. So, the coach’s advice of following the ball till it touches the bat is practically impossible. These are some of the ways that governed the rapid evolution of baseball hitters. The balers only keep one thing in mind- swing the ball in the air, clutch it in a manner for the hitter to not understand the trajectory, keep it as close to the body of the hitter as possible and make him attempt the ball in an unorderly fashion to let him out. Getting a miss is like a bonus for them.

Both the players have ample amount of challenges, therefore. Their carrier can be mended or totally broken down by even one hit or a miss. The players deal with a lot of physical, mental and psychological pressures while playing and can commit mistakes in the interim. But there are no options left for them than not to make any. There is no security for a baseball player, neither of their health or their career nor to their families if they get injured enough not to play again. The excessive fitness levels expected out of the players are really challenging and all have to abide by the game rules. This is the manner in which the game has progressed and taken this form since its inception in 1344.

The baseball organization has a lot of politics involved within. They make offensive strategies and the coach is made to learn that they are not teaching baseball, but are training baseball players. So their main emphasis revolves around the fact that who is doing what, rather than what is done. A good understanding of the game situation is more important in making strategies but an understanding of players’ abilities is even more important. The organizations thus allow only those players to play who are totally fit and comply with the organization. Rest all can quit and the organization is happy to lose some than lose “Money”.

In the long run, the life of the players is at stake governed by the baseball organizations. A good player may not be given preference and a less talented one may be allowed to play, owing to the “POLITICAL SCENARIOS” the organization has set for the game. They are free to make or break the life of players. But this doesn’t mean that talented players are always at loss. Talent can never be wasted and never does it get destroyed, but the player may have to wait for long to gain some.


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