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Negative Letter (Health-Insurance) - Personal Statement Example

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I have received your correspondence regarding your pending surgery costs. Unfortunately the company is unable to pay for the surgery because it is not covered under your elected health insurance policy.
All new employees are given a choice between three health maintenance organizations (HMOs) upon employment…
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Negative Letter (Health-Insurance)
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3840 Sandusky St. Delaware, OH 43015 (800) 123-4567 ext 890 4 March, 2009 Ronald Reineke Production Officer The Company85 W. Winter StDelaware OH, 43015Dear Mr. Reineke,I have received your correspondence regarding your pending surgery costs. Unfortunately the company is unable to pay for the surgery because it is not covered under your elected health insurance policy. All new employees are given a choice between three health maintenance organizations (HMOs) upon employment.

With this choice, employees are given a list of doctors and hospitals that are in cooperation with each respective HMO. These lists are included in the packet of insurance information you received upon employment. Coverage for your surgery was available at two hospitals in the area, but St. Catherine's is included in a different HMO plan. Since St. Catherine is not covered by your current HMO coverage, the company will not be able to reimburse the costs from your surgery. In the future, you may switch your coverage to one of the plans that includes St.

Catherine's Hospital during the next open enrollment period, but past surgeries can not be covered. If you are concerned about covering your current surgery balance, you may want to contact our local credit union since it is offering excellent rates on short-term loans. The company has referred previous debt management situations with the local credit union and patrons have reported a high success and satisfaction rate. The head of accounting and payroll, Joan Bean, is capable of assisting you with debt management.

Her e-mail address is and she can assist you in choosing an option that will best fit your financial concerns. I will inform her of the situation so that she may have some options available upon your request. Each of the Company's selected HMO packages offers excellent coverage to specified locations and medical professionals. If you have any specific questions regarding your benefits package, please don't hesitate to contact me. I can provide you with another welcome packet that outlines the specific benefits and locations offered by your selected HMO provider.

We also have employee benefit counselors that can assist you in choosing the correct health care provider for future medical situations. Once a quarter, the employee benefits board conducts health coverage information sessions for new employees or employees who wish to reexamine their carrier coverage. The next session will be March 16, 2009 if you wish to learn more about your specific coverage plan. The other HMO coverage plans are also discussed in these information sessions if you find that your current plan is not meeting your needs or preferred hospital locations.

If you wish to change your coverage to one of the other HMO plans that will cover future hospital stays at St. Catherine's, the next open enrollment period will be in March of 2009.Best wishes on a speedy and healthy recovery,YOUR NAMEHead of Employee Benefits

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