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Recent Developments in the use of Titanium Alloys as Implant Materials - Essay Example

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Titanium and its alloys are widely used in surgical implants due to their corrosion resistance, tissue-compatibility and low density. Titanium alloys are chemically and biologically more compatible with human fluids and tissues but effects of body fluids and metal sensitivity may cause some problems with these implants…
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Recent Developments in the use of Titanium Alloys as Implant Materials
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One of the main objectives of implants is to be chemically inert and biocompatible with body so that it may not be deteriorated by the body fluids. Titanium and its alloys are the materials that fulfill these criteria, so they may be used as implants with certain checks that require some studies. Biomedical implant reliability depends on the corrosion, wear, and fatigue resistance of the materials. Unalloyed titanium grades are largely used for implants and other parts which do not have to cope with high loads in the human body, while titanium alloys predominate in applications for endoprotheses and surgical instruments (http://www. Unalloyed titanium and titanium alloys have been used for years in medical engineering for a wide range of applications, some examples of which are listed below: Medical grade titanium alloys have a significantly higher strength to than stainless steels. The range of available titanium alloys enables medical specialists designers to select materials and forms closely tailored to the needs of the application. The effectiveness and reliability of implants, and medical and surgical instruments and devices is an essential factor in saving lives.

Implantation represents a potential assault on the chemical, physiological and mechanical structure of the human body. There is nothing comparable to a metallic implant in living tissue. Most metals in body fluids and tissue are found in stable organic complexes. Corrosion of implanted metal by body fluids, results in the release of unwanted metallic ions, with likely interference in the processes of life. Corrosion resistance is not sufficient of itself to suppress the body's reaction to cell toxic metals or allergenic elements such as nickel, and even in very small concentrations from a minimum level of corrosion, these may initiate rejection reactions.

Titanium is judged to be completely inert and immune to corrosion by all body fluids and tissue, and is thus biocompatible.3.1. Objectives:To determine the suitability of titanium for use as surgical implants.Studies of coupled metals in dentistry alloyed with titanium.Development of standards for titanium alloys and for updating existing standards.Studies on response of pure and alloyed titanium to model surgical wound environment.4. Theoretical Background4.1. How Implants affects Bogy FunctionsThe oxide film forms the interface between the metal implant and the body, its properties are

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“Recent Developments in the Use of Titanium Alloys As Implant Materials Essay”, n.d.
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