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George Washington as a Great Military Leader - Assignment Example

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From the paper "George Washington as a Great Military Leader" it is clear that the king rather he wanted to see the victory and rule of his ideologies, convictions, and beliefs. He was an ordinary man with extraordinary leadership skills, courage, determination, and vision…
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George Washington as a Great Military Leader
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George Washington as a Great Military Leader Number] of Your Great Military Leader: George Washington and Place of Birth: February 22, 1732 at Westmoreland, Virginia Colony Date and Place of Death: December 14, 1799 at Mount Vernon, Virginia, U.S. Significant Dates in the Life of Your Great Military Leader: George Washington became the Commander-in-Chief of the continental Army on June 15, 1775 and served the position tell December 23, 1783. He became the first President of United States on April 30, 1789 and served the position till March 4, 1797. On July 13, 1798 he became the senior officer of the Army and worked at this position till December 14, 17991. Defining Moments in the Life of Your Great Military Leader: George Washington has been widely regarded as great and genius military leader because his accomplishments and services as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army were remarkable as well as unique in the world history. What made Washington a great military leader is his unmatched wisdom and determination that made him prominent among his peers who also respected him and give him great importance in the decision making process because they all realized that the presence and decision of Washington could made significant difference in the situation2. Washington was among the few people of the world who devotedly fought for their ideologies and view regarding the current affairs. He was a man with a purpose and passion and thus, this struggle was also led by this purpose and ideology and he always showed his willingness to risk his life for the sake of his convictions, beliefs and views. The military career of George Washington began as part of militia in 1754 to 1758 and since then he exhibited great service responsibility as part of Virginia Militia. He was highly influenced from his brother who also prided him concrete training and directions to become integral part of the U.S Arm force. During his serving as aide to the General Braddock he appeared as a determined and trustworthy militant3. When he was young, he spent many days working as a surveyor for Lord Fairfax of England that has now become the state of Virginia. During these days he attained great understanding of land and people with whom he later fought several battles after becoming part of the Continental Army of United States. Washington played important role in the political landscape of the United States but his services as military leaders allowed him writing his name in the American history at prominent place4. In his first battle he was forced to surrender at the Pennsylvania frontier. Despite this defeat, Washington established his image as reputable and courageous military leader. In the battle of the Wilderness or Braddocks defeat (1755), Washington proved himself as a great militant when he had two horses shot from under him but he eventually led the surviving British and colonial forces soldiers on victory when he had to assume command from the General Edward Braddock who was deadly wounded. Most of the top ranked officers were also badly wounded during the battle but Washington performed his duties with complete determination. The young aide responded to the demands of the situation and courageously took the command of the remnant of the English Army and struggled for safely bringing out the wounded English leader out from the terrifying forest. The French and Indian war draw strong impacts upon his mind and he gradually started becoming more involved in the military matters with more dedication and courage. During the war he also wrote letter to her mother to express her emotions about the great defeat that resulted in the killing of bulk of British soldiers and his General Edward Braddock. He took important lessons from all his defeats and used this understanding in making decisions during all of the future battles5. Later he fought several battles most of them were against Great Britain that was the best trained and well equipped force of the western world. He provided himself as the necessary person in American force to confront the opponents attacks. He had great sense of determination and patriotic duty to the country that enabled him to play prominent role in the political and military progression of the country for several years. He also attained valuable experience from the French and Indian War that also gave him extended knowledge about different issues related with warfare like border warfare, importance of military training and discipline and sense of creating new way to overcome of emergency situations6. As a general of the continental army he trained 14,000 men to make them ready for the warfare. In 1775 the war broke out between the Great Britain and colonies. Washington decided to take defensive approach during the war however, when he came across a chance to attack the British he took his man had attacked the Redcoats camp at Trenton. During the battle he maintained the morale of his team and encouraged them to fight harder. Eventually, Americans won the war on the basis of their patriotic and devoted struggle. He fought like gentleman in the battles and always tries to avoid massive loss of human life unless necessary. He wanted freedom but he also had great value for the human life and dignity. After the war he became the president of the Constitutional convention and freed all the slaves. This great military leader was then elected as the first president of the United States. People were highly admired from his determination and services that they wanted him to become a king as countries were widely ruled by kings at that time. The greatness of Washington lies in the fact that despite great support from people he chose to become president rather King because he did not wanted to continue the Kingship in his free country. He was a visionary leader with clear, high and far-reaching cause. He got the wisdom to make strategies and plan to attain his far reaching cause and objectives7. Washington has been called the father of the nation because he took the road to freedom that was long and hard but he remained determinant and consistent and finally got the great reward. He literally had the courage to stand up and fight for his cause. He valued the importance of freedom for his nation for which he exerted all his efforts and played important role in gaining American independent from the British rule. He had great support from the people around him. His peers were well aware of the fact that he possessed the wisdom to win a battle and without his advice and presence they see it impossible to make any plan for the war. Hence, it could be said the George Washington was truly the fuel of the American forces seeking freedom from the British. He knew that getting freedom is not simple and short term task but he had the determination to continue prolong struggle and his life proves that the great leader had the ability to continue fighting until attaining the freedom8. He knew how to rule the army and how to keep the army men motivated and dedicated towards their goals. Despite all these skills, abilities and accomplishment he didn’t wanted to become King rather he wanted to see the victory and rule of his ideologies, convictions and beliefs. He was an ordinary man with extraordinary leadership skills, courage, determination and vision that eventually made him a great military leader. References Barbara J. Mitnick, William S. Ayres, George Washington: American symbol, London, Hudson Hills, 1999 Barbara Knox. George Washington, New York, Capstone Press, 2003 Ethan M. Fishman. George Washington: foundation of presidential leadership and character. NJ, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001 Frank E. Grizzard, George Washington: a biographical companion, NY: ABC-CLIO, 2002 John Richard Alden. George Washington: a biography, US, LSU Press, 1996 Laurie Calkhoven, George Washington: an American life, Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 2007 Robert Francis Jones. George Washington: ordinary man, extraordinary leader, NY: Fordham University Press, 2002 Read More
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George Washington As a Military Leader Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 Words.
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