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Terror in Iraq - Assignment Example

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The paper "Terror in Iraq" presents that the world has changed after 9/11 as the new power structure. Right from striking the twin towers to the Afghan war and then the subsequent war in Iraq, this incident has proved one of the most decisive events in the history…
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Terror in Iraq
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How does the Arab mindset affect the capability of the Iraqi military? World has changed after 9/11 as the new power structures and the new paradigmsof doing politics have emerged after the incident. Right from striking the twin towers to the Afghan war and then subsequent war in Iraq, this incident has proved one of the most decisive events in the history as it has provided an opportunity to the world to view the politics in an entirely new sense. A little historical look will suggest that, in real sense, war against terror in Iraq, was based largely on loose information which has subsequently put the creditability of the US and Britain institutions in doubt for producing the right information upon which any action can be taken. In order to understand therefore the Arab mindset to affect the capability of Iraqi military, one must acknowledge the fact that many Arabs and Muslims believe that Iraq war was unjust and pre-designed to achieve much larger objectives. Historically, Arabs have been warriors in nature- born to kill at the moment’s notice. The history from the Crusades suggest the level of their hatred against White people and the issue of Middle East in the recent past and the first Gulf War can be attributed as few of the important reasons in the backdrop to understand the general Arab mindset in contemporary Arab World and its impact on the Iraqi military. It is believed that Arab mindset is captive of four mythical ideas of dignity, fantasy, apocalyptic discourse, and conspiracy theories and many now also believe that corruption is also the necessary part of Arab mindset. (, 2005). It is also further argued that the Arab Mindset have not changed much as the transitions into the world stage has left little or no influence over the Arabs as a whole therefore in order to study the Arab mindset and its influence over the Iraqi Army would necessitate that we broaden that definition of Arab mindset. Though it may be true that the dignity and corruption can be the most penetrating variables in Arab mindset and by using them US can significantly influence the capability of the Iraqi army however, we also need to broaden that net in order to provide a holistic view of the Iraqi crisis as a whole. Further, a typical Arab mindset is stubborn in nature as it often refused to budge and bend therefore using present Arab mindset successfully to improve the Iraqi Military capability in positive way can be difficult task however, religion and Iraqi nationalism are two important variables of Iraqi Arab mindset which can be used for this purpose. Most of the Muslims and Arabs especially view this war in the backdrop of religion as religion is the most central part of the Arab and Muslim mindset. The supposedly holy war has provided an opportunity to many Muslims and Arabs especially to wage a war against US. Given the current political structure in Iraq where a US supported government is working and a defeated army which first fought against US and now fighting for US is a very tricky dilemma for a common soldier in Iraqi Army. The war against US in the presence of Saddam was fought largely and probably solely against the backdrop of Iraqi nationalism as most of the Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia did not provided any sort of support to Iraq. Thus improving the capabilities of Iraqi Military must also be viewed in two perspectives. One is religion and other is Iraqi Nationalism. Iraq has predominately Shiite population ruled by Sunni minority i.e. Saddam Hussein belonged to Sunni minority and ruled by force. It was because of this reason that US initially tried to support Shiite majority in the country. Shiite are not particularly liked by common Muslims and there remain very strong sectarian differences between the two major sects of Islam. To use the religion as one of the catalyst to change to affect the capability of Iraqi Military, US has to put forward an strong message in favor of Shiite sect however, its differences with Iran, another Shiite majority country, may not allow it to do in smooth and constructive manner. Thus what options remains for US is to engage Saudi Arabia into this process as Saudi Arabia, being the holiest place of Islam carries enormous significance for every Muslim. Thus religion being the predominant factor in the mindset of Arabs can be used as one of the factor to affect the capability of Iraqi Military through the use of backdoor Saudi Support provided US can convince the Kingdom to do so. Secondly, as discussed above, Iraqi War should also be viewed in purely Iraqi perspective rather than an Arab perspective. Increasing propaganda to raise the nationalistic context of the war would allow US to have a positive impact on the Iraqi Military. By projecting the war in favor of Iraq itself as this war has now entered post Saddam era therefore for US to improve the capability of Iraqi Military, this war should be projected as a war between Iraq and Al-Qaeda rather than Iraq and US. As discussed above that same Iraqi Army fought against US twice and same Iraqi Army is now fighting for US has a very deep and long lasting impacts on the mindset of Iraqi military soldiers itself therefore, US has to approach the issue with much delicacy and care. Considering the above factors in mind, there are greater chances that present Arab mindset would have affect on the Iraqi military in probably a negative way rather than as positive impression. What implications does this have for U.S. service members interacting with Iraqis, and attempting to reestablish the Iraqi military system? As discussed above that the Iraqi military twice fought against the US army therefore there remains a very important question as to whether there will be any harmony whatsoever between the US service members and Iraqi military. Many experts believe that Iraqi army is now a fragmented army consisting of personnel supporting various ideologies therefore as discussed above that until and unless US succeed in raising the strong Iraqi nationalistic sentiments into the Iraqi Army, it would be difficult to find satisfying results. The traditional Arab mindset as discussed above view Iraqi War as a war against good and evil and this war has more or less labeled as the beginning of the theory of clash of civilizations there considering the rigidity of the Arab mindset it would really difficult to even imagine of making the interaction between the Iraqi Army personnel and US service men to engage with each other in friendly manner. Evidence from Saudi Arabia suggest that the Saudi Police even helped terrorists to plot terrorist attacks within the Kingdom supposedly based on the strong religious views therefore taking the same analogy to Iraq , it cannot be discounted that the reestablishing the Iraqi military system through the increased interaction between the army personnel of two nations would be a difficult task. It must be noted that coalition forces in Iraq are now facing insurgencies and are not fighting a conventional war. “The primary characteristic that distinguishes insurgency from conventional warfare is its Trinitarian nature. In conventional conflicts two sides engage in what Carl von Clausewitz so aptly called a duel, as each seeks to break the will of the other to continue fighting. An insurgency is no such matter. In revolutionary struggles, two (or more) sides compete to gain the support of the mass of the population. In general, the government struggles to retain or establish its legitimacy in the eyes of the people while the insurgents attempt to destroy that legitimacy. The real battle is, therefore, within the minds of the people of the unfortunate country thus torn.” (Kagan, 2006). This fundamental difference in the situation at Iraq might not allow US army to reestablish the Iraqi Military system in near future. Besides the short run focus of US are on building the Police force of Iraq and not the Iraqi Military itself therefore it would be premature to measure the impact of increased Iraqi Military capability in favor of US. How does this topic affect the modern world, global economics, US policy, etc Noted Nobel Laureate Joseph Stieglitz termed Iraq war as three trillion war as US has paid heavily for this war not only in terms of its military causalities but in terms of the monetary resources also. (Stiglitz & Bilmes, 2008). The most anticipated aspects of Iraqi war therefore have been against the expectations so far as US has to pay strong costs. The proposed question that whether using present Arab mindset can have impact on the Iraqi Military both in positive in negative way and how this can affect the modern world, global economics and US policy is a very broad question which needs to be analyzed carefully. It must be understood that the Iraqi War has virtually isolated US on the diplomatic front and its policies towards Iraq and Muslims on the whole have been criticized not only by Muslim countries but others also as this war was fought by US and Britain only and that too based on loose information and wrong interpretation of the Saddam Husain’s capability to strike US or US interests. Considering the positive side of the impact of Arab mindset on the development and reestablishment of Iraqi Military would provide US a strong economic relief. US is experiencing mild recession in its economy which is spreading to the rest of the world also thus freeing up of almost three billion potential US dollars would provide an strong relief to the US economy as by building the indigenous capability of Iraqi army, US can free up its resources. Further, it would greatly help in boosting the morale of the Army which could easily be used for controlling the insurgency in Iraq thus lessening the threat to the modern world from these terrorists by successfully engaging them into their own home grounds. Further by building the indigenous capability of Iraqi Army, US can put a face saving on it as its diplomatic isolation, despite being the lone super power of the world would lessen and there would be greater acceptability of US policies in the world. On the other side if traditional mindset of Arabs failed to have affected on Iraqi military in positive way, it is going to have very threatening impacts not only on US but to the rest of the world also. Iraqi army is trained army and it is strongly believed that most of the insurgents are either former Policemen or Army Personnel therefore if this is not restricted more and more Iraqi Army personnel may join the insurgency and which may not prove beneficial for US in long term. Bibliography Kagan, F. W. (2006). Measuring success. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from Armed Forces Journal: Stiglitz, J. E., & Bilmes, L. (2008). THE ECONOMIC COSTS OF THE IRAQ WAR. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from Information Clearing house: (2005, September 20). Corruption, Democracy Building, And The Arab Mindset: Iraqi defense officials have embezzled $1.27 billion. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from Read More
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