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MTVs Entry in Arabia - Case Study Example

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From the paper "MTVs Entry in Arabia" it is clear that MTV waited for the tide to turn. Pleasantly, it turned into their favor and people indeed made the choice of letting go of their traditional ways. All channel needed to do was to tag along with the change in the wind…
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MTVs Entry in Arabia
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MTV’s Entry in Arabia: A Case Analysis MTV’s Entry in Arabia: A Case Analysis Introduction MTV is one of the fastest growing networks of entertainment in the field of electronic media. The force of globalization took over the world by the early years of the 21st century (Baltaji, 2008). The claws of globalization only grew stronger and stronger in terms of their strength in the subsequent years of the current century. By the year of 2007, globalization engulfed the local firm and companies in all fields of life had to pick from two decisions which were firstly entering into the sea of globalized economy or die out quietly and more surprisingly, the featured electronic network made the choice of entering into uncharted markets and at that time, it chose to enter Arabian territory where it came face to face with the challenge of maintaining its brand image while making its content appear socially acceptable. The company faced the challenge when it had to broadcast foreign content without hurting the local culture of Arabia. No doubt, the public responded positively in early days but soon after that government intervened in order to regulate the affairs. The step was a necessary evil as MTV was carrying an American background because it was launched as a sole cable music provider in 1981 in the country. However, the channel knew the worth of Arabian market and therefore, it did not do anything foolish to provoke the local community. The company decided to use a divergence policy towards managing international business and it was a wise choice to say the least. The company’s top management made it clear that they are not at all interested in contaminating the local culture. Those words carried a lot of weight because they came from Vice President of MTV, Roedy. Roedy on the other hand was well aware of the importance of political environment in relation to their plans of expansion in nations like Cuba and Israel. The real power of MTV came from frequent communications with authorities and they had been taken into confidence beforehand then sailing became rather easy for the newborn channel in the area. MTV was surely took the first mover advantage as others in the industry felt reluctant to enter into the Arabian market for being too emotionally attached to their religious ways. However, by trying, MTV managed to create a blue sea environment for it because Arab’s local population found the channels broadcasts rather assuming. That created a base for success in the region. Additionally, the creative team at the company strategically worked hard in terms of selecting and running content which was suitable for the culture. The channel duly mixed the local content with the foreign one in order to cater every segment of the population. At daytime, the channel was more than happy to run local content but at late-night they dared to show more American content for culturally excited population. The formula of mixed content worked and wowed the locals as well. The companies rushed in with advertisements and before anyone can know it, MTV transformed into a leading channel in the Middle East. The time of thinking MTV as a success is gone because the channel has already developed into a giant in the market. The trend of mixing up Arabian style of music with Western one started from the studios of MTV. More importantly, the channel is now running every kind of content and nobody is raising any kind of voice about it because economic interests became intertwined and interrelated with the channel. It is promoting Arabian products in all parts of the world also. MTV gathered the information about cultural shifts in Arabia and it is now well aware of the fact that traditional Arabian culture is dying out as it is disintegrating with the passage of time. The area is getting overpowered with Americanization. The channel is slowly but surely showing American programs while it is also remixing the local content with the Western ways so that people’s psychological needs of attachment with a perceived utopian image of the developed nations. The females of the Arab are known to dress half-naked but they cover their dresses with conventional veils of the desert. The females are not yet allowed to drive but their role in the society is improving in terms of importance. It is only the matter of time before Arabian culture can grow into an individualistic one with liberal mindset. Additionally, the elite class of the society has embraced Western ways already whereas, they are consuming alcohol based products in abundance. Their parties are being buzzed with American music and MTV is nowadays targeting the shahs of Arab rather than an ordinary man of the roads. MTV as a channel did not work in order to change the culture but they waited for the society to change on its own. It is always on the cards when the company works its way into a developing country where people are crazed about the life in America but they create their own dreamland in the local culture. That is what happening with Arabian culture right now. Conclusion Conclusively, it can be established that MTV waited for the tide to turn. Pleasantly, it turned into their favor and people indeed made the choice of letting go of their traditional ways. All channel needed to do was to tag along with the change in the wind. The channel’s creative team already created a pinch-hole for Western content by showing it at late hours and therefore, the overpowering of Western music did not come to locals as a surprise. In the light of whole discussion, humans are practically enslaved to their own culture. The companies have to adapt their subcultures to national cultures in order to survive in an alien setting. MTV did that exactly and the case of MTV in Arabia is a historical document supporting a magnificent victory of divergence over convergence in the international business literature. At the end, MTV is operating in same American way but it waited out for the right moment to do that. References Baltaji, D. E. (2008). MTV Networks: The Arabian Challenge. Hydrabad: IBS Center for Management Research . Read More
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