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Managment of change - Assignment Example

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The South Australian State Emergency Service is a volunteer organisation that was formed by an Act of Parliament for the purpose of delivering immediate assistance to the Australian population in the event of disasters. The South Australian State Emergency Service also provides…
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Managment of change
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Its main objectives are to collaborate with the South Australian Country Fire Service, the Commissioner of Police, and the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service in cases of emergency. The South Australian State Emergency Service workers also work with State Coordinators to conduct preparedness and prevention exercises as well as recovery operations as stipulated in the Emergency Management Act of 2004. The South Australian State Emergency Service is also mandated to function as the main authority in cases where during emergencies such as floods, there are no other lawful authorities present to take over the rescue operations.

Thesis: South Australia State Emergency Service must change its strategy in order to ensure high effectiveness. For any change to be successfully overseen in an emergency management agency there has to be an agreement among the establishment’s board members that there is a need for a more developed culture, strategy and structure. Any decision to implement change ought to be made after serious consultations so that the change process does not merely serve as a shortcut to experimenting with production processes for any reason.

In most emergency agencies, such a decision is reached by the appointed change manager. It is also prioritised in terms of who to try first, second, third and so on. The emergency management sector in Australia is also populated by the workers of non-governmental organisations as well as volunteers. There are approximately 500,000 volunteers in the South Australian State Emergency Service; of whom 350,000 participate in recovery and response operations. In Western Australia, there are fourteen emergency management districts, with each having its own District Emergency Management Committee (DEMC) (King 2004).

The principal function of the DEMCs is to contribute towards the sustenance of efficient emergency

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