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Analyze case study :Building Performance Management through Employee Participation - Essay Example

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Employee’s performance enhancement is through good human relationship between the employee and the employer. This book highlights on several cases studies that show the…
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Analyze case study :Building Performance Management through Employee Participation
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Building Performance Management through Employee Participation Performance in an organization is a result of good participation of employees within the organization. Employee’s performance enhancement is through good human relationship between the employee and the employer. This book highlights on several cases studies that show the influence of HR in any organization in relation to the rapid changing business environment and technology. The authors discuss the success of Google Incorporation amongst other companies.

The success the company receives over the years is due to good human resource management. The company has been able to employ good customer care services and maintained contact with customers. It is for this reason that the company is serving billions of people in the world. In order to attain good employee participation as a manager one needs to analyze the work force composition. There is need to compare the forces of supply and demand and diversify the needs in order to compete effectively.

According to Abraham Maslow, rewards, and motivations play a major role in achieving maximum rewards from employees. Good customer relations between the employees are also important in order to attain maximum reward from your employees. Robert and Mathias discuss retention strategies used in management off an organization. This ensures that the employees develop a sense of job security (Jackson) . The book analyzes the legal aspects of recruiting employees. Good human resource management aims at recruiting professionals who attain certain qualifications.

This ideology has helped Scripps Company to continue with its successful trend in the world market. In addition to this, the recruiting process should be fair without any corruption. Training and development is an aspect of management that is very important in order to attain maximum rewards from your employees. Distribution of labor according to skills and profession plays a role in maximizing profits within the organization. The authors suggest regular training within an organization. This helps the employees to shift into new technology and information.

With training, the employees also become acquainted with new policies and hence able to compete effectively within the market. Monitoring and evaluation is also another aspect discussed through the case studies. Good managers should consistently evaluate their employees. This is to determine that he employees are attaining their goals and objectives. The information or feedback acquired from the process of monitoring and evaluation is essential for making decisions within the company. The authors discuss on how to set up systems that regulate compensation within the company.

Job valuation, amount of reward, and compensation are amongst the necessary factors under consideration. Without maintaining good employee, relationship is difficult to attaining goals and responsibilities of a company. Intrinsic motivation occurs to an employee who receives benefits such as health care, retirements and other benefits. An employee who gets regular time off the job remains competitive and viable for the company. Employees should be able to communicate freely and socialize without any interference.

Good communication strategies are keys for a healthy social relationship. Good mangers respect their employee’s contracts and give rewards where necessary. Works CitedJackson, Robert Mathis and John. Human Resource management thirteenth edition. Mason OH: Cengage Learning, 2010.

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