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Sources of Power - Assignment Example

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The paper "Sources of Power" tells us about Primary energy sources. Primary energy sources take many forms, including nuclear energy, fossil energy - like oil, coal, and natural gas - and renewable sources like wind, solar, geothermal and hydropower…
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Sources of Power
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Power is normally a function of several aspects emanating from the relationship between two groups. In the military workplace, power can emanate from several sources just like in conventional settings. One of the most notable sources of power is the idea of dependency. When a particular people depend on another person or people, then power is often realized from that dependency. Dependency arises when certain people have important aspects over the rest of the people. It is also realized that the position somebody holds in an organization or setting can give them some power over the rest of the people. In this context, power exists in three phases i.e. coercive, reward, and legitimate.

In the same way, power is often realized when somebody in the organization or military setting has knowledge or ability in a given area over the rest of the people. In a way, the other people depend on such knowledge and this creates a sense of power in the person. Similarly, the ownership of valuable information in a given field is normally a direct source of power that is often exercised by many people.

In most situations, it is often realized that power emanates from actions that are geared toward the five bases of power. These include reward, coercive, legitimate, and expert and referent power. Actions in these respects are normally very important sources of power and people are often drawn into situations of influence over the rest. In any case, the extent to which somebody exercises their power and influence over the rest is normally the most important parameter in the context of power dynamics. Power can always be used wrongly by certain people if structures are not in place to control such power. In the same way, power has always been used effectively by other people to create positive change.

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