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The BuyRite Project - Research Paper Example

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RESEARCH REPORT ON BUYRITE PROJECT Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Abstract This research paper search entails the process of carrying out a systematic investigation aiming at substantiating one or more claims within a professional field. Research exercise supplements a mechanism through which professionals can gather knowledge on new or existing social or economic models…
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In this regard, a research exercise will be conducted in order to substantiate practicability of the Input-Transformation-Outcome model as used in the BuyRite Project. In this case, we will strive towards developing a coherent research report meant to acquire knowledge on the theoretical construct of the model, followed by efficiency of this model in addressing actual problems in commercial contexts. Introduction International Concrete Operations Company (ICO) seeks to improve its management processes, especially within the procurement sector.

Despite being good in utilizing entrepreneurial principles to achieve business goals, it still lags behind in terms of internal management. Consequently, ICO’s competitors are capable of achieving significant goals with better management. In this regard, ICO have developed a mechanism through which superior, middle level and subordinate employees will be made to acknowledge the role of efficient management in addressing business problems within a competitive environment. In order to objectively respond to the procurement problem, the company’s chief executive established position of National Procurement Manager.

The appointed manager’s duties involved formulation and implementation of BuyRite Project. Fleming (2003) says that with implementation of this project, ICO would respond to procurement challenges by reducing cost of supply undertakings and general operation costs. Upon completion of a feasibility analysis, stakeholders approved that BuyRite Project would prove instrumental in addressing immediate needs of the multinational corporation within the cement and concrete industry. Earlier studies on the company’s procurement activities showed that inefficient procurement process coupled with lack of purchase responsiveness from potential customers causes increase in procurement costs.

In the past, ICO had tried adopting ideal supply techniques in synchronizing activities of procurement staff and suppliers. Later on, those supposedly ideal techniques proved ineffective, especially due to increased competition within the industry. In this regard, BuyRite Project was thought to being effective in addressing increasing procurement cost in current business environment. This is because the project applies principles of Input-Transformation-Outcome model. In this research, we will appraise effectiveness of this model in enhancing reduction of procurement costs.

Research Statement With respect to theoretical content, a systematic research exercise should have a strong statement, which provides an insight and direction on the purpose of that exercise. A research question will serve the purpose of developing a specific description of an underlying topic of study, which in this case involves effectiveness of Input-Transformation-Outcome model. For clarity purposes, every research exercise should begin by providing a basis of study insinuated through a research statement and a research question.

Based on these acknowledgements, statement for this report asserts that Input-Transformation-outcome model (ITO) creates a direct relationship between customer’s use of outputs and subsequent outcomes realized by a company. At this juncture, I can say that this entire research will seek to provide a comprehensive response to this issue Input-Transformat

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