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Quality management - Assignment Example

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Integrated Management System in Oman Air Integrated Management System in Oman Air Introduction The growing market competition is raising potential challenges to business houses that perform poorly in terms of managerial efficiency…
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It would not be easy for the managers to implement several independent management systems to address all these aspects. This is the context when an integrated management system that can effectively address areas like quality management, environmental management, and health and safety management becomes important. An integrated management system is a broad concept that covers different aspects of corporate management. A close analysis reveals that the Oman Air has not implemented an integrated management system yet.

Evidently, it is suggestible for the organisation to think about a new system. To be specific, the Oman Air management team has to consider a comprehensive five-phase execution strategy encompassing phases like preparation, planning, execution, monitoring, and certification. Development of a well structured quality policy and environment policy is vital to direct this management system implementation process effectively. This paper will explore some potential approaches to the implementation of an extensive integrated management system (IMS) in Oman Air.

Oman Air The Oman Air, based on the grounds of Muscat International Airport in Seeb, Muscat, is the Oman’s national airline that was founded in 1993. Oman Air operates in the aerospace industry. The original history of the Oman Air can be dated back to 1970 when the Oman International Services (OIS) was established. The Oman Air operates international passenger as well as scheduled domestic services in addition to providing regional air taxi and charter flight services in the country. Oman Air, a member of the Arab Air Carriers Organisation has become the world’s first airline service to offer both Wi-Fi and mobile phone internet connections on selected routes as of March 2010 (, 2013).

Oman Air received the ‘Airline of the Year’ Gold award at France’s Laurier d’Or du Voyage d’Affaires (Oman Air, 2011). After its foundation in 1993, the Oman Air rapidly spread its roots across the globe over the next several years. The Omani government recapitalised the airline in 2007 by increasing its shares in the airline from nearly 33 to 80 percent. In the same year, the organization considered reviewing its strategic plans with intent to explore the opportunities of entering the long-haul market.

In May 2007, the government announced that it is going to pull out of Gulf Air so as to concentrate more on the development of Oman Air. The organisation launched its long haul services in November 2007 by operating flights to London and Bangkok. Oman Air planned new long haul routes with the arrival of its new Airbus A330-200/300 aircraft. The Omani government held 99.8 percent shares in the Oman Air as of November 2010 (, 2012). Currently, the airline has 44 global destinations across 23 countries.

In addition, it has codeshare agreements with four airlines including Emirates, Ethiopian Airlines, Qatar Airways, and Royal Jordanian (travel media). Sinbad is a three tier frequent flyer programme launched in 2007 and is directly managed by Oman Air where the three tiers are Sinbad Blue, Sinbad Silver, and Sinbad Gold (, n.d.). Integrated management system As mentioned already, it would be a difficult task for firms, particularly huge sized firms, to maintain separate management systems to deal with different areas of organisational management.

According Zeng, Tam, and Tam

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