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Developing a Interview Process from a Human Resource Perspective - Essay Example

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Developing a Interview Process from a Human Resource Perspective Table of Contents Introduction 3 Developing an Interview Process from a Human Resource Perspective 3 Defining the job of a Human Resource Manager 3 Desired profile of the ideal applicant 4 Creating interview outline 4 Selection of candidates for interview 5 Interview 6 After Interview 9 Legal Restrictions 10 Strategic Importance of the Interview process in the organization 10 Conclusion 12 Reference 13 Introduction Selection and recruitment account for some of the most important responsibilities of the HR departments in organizations…
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Developing a Interview Process from a Human Resource Perspective
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Planning helps in the learning of information of each candidate and at the same time avoids legal and pitfalls in the process. This assignment develops an interview and selection process for an entry level management position in the organization. It begins with making a job analysis for the position, creation of the interview outline, selecting the right candidates, which is followed by taking account of the legal restrictions in the process. Developing an Interview Process from a Human Resource Perspective Defining the job of a Human Resource Manager The overall job analysis of a Human Resource Manager includes conducting the conventional HR functions such as employee relations, administration of compensation and benefits in the organization, employment policies, personnel record keeping, safety issues of team members, training and development and finally ensuring compliance with the human resource laws and regulation (Columbia Association, 2006, p.1). Some other job responsibilities include professional work advising towards team leaders in the organization and team members with regards to the application of laws regarding workers compensation, employment and benefits and various employment policies applied in such aspects as discipline, hiring, termination of employees, training and development, benefits and compensation, leaves, equal opportunity etc.

Desired profile of the ideal applicant The desired profile of the candidate includes; MBA degree from a reputed B-School with major in human resource management, Two to three years of experience in the HR discipline which includes employment policies, benefits, compensation, training and development, compensation, employee relations and conflict resolution, Excellent oral and written communication, Prior experience of working in a diverse workforce background and; Prior experience of working in a profit making organization (Columbia Association, 2006, p.3). Creating interview outline The process of filling up the vacant managerial position must begin with a team meeting where members from individual units and job categories must be participate.

This committee must collectively decide on the desired profile of the candidates and this selection must be made against objective criteria and be job related. The actual mode of selection must also be settled at this stage. Generally a written exam followed by a technical round of interview and HRM interview is done. However, since in this case candidates reviewed have prior experience of two to three years in the relevant field, the written exam is not required. The candidate can be accessed through the technical round and HR interview round (AG Centre, 2005, p.1). Based on the ideal desired profile of the applicant the interview questions must also be settled.

It is recommended that questions are objective and related to the job. Questions can also include both sets of open and close ended questions for making thorough analysis of the candidate’s suitability for the position. The interview outline can provide a list of possible questions that can be asked to the candidates (AG Centre,

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