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Grant Woods American Gothic, 1930 - Research Paper Example

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An “American couple” is very beautifully portrayed in the painting. The background of their home is a very striking factor in the painting. The man is holding a pitchfork with a stern look on his face…
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Grant Woods American Gothic, 1930
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She is disgusted with the very fact that she is being dominated and has no freedom whatsoever. The characters in the painting according to me are husband and wife but the painter confirmed that the painting is about a father and his daughter. (Guardian 2002). If she is the daughter of the man in the painting, then the painting can be interpreted in another way, the painting goes to show that she has no control of her life and she is dominated by her father, she should have got married long back but that’s not quite the case when one looks at the painting.

Age has taken a toll on the woman in the painting and she should have got married long back, the same is probably making her depressed and reluctant to make eye contact. In this picture the husband has a stern serious look on his face, which represents his position as a provider. This also could represent an angry farmer who has worked too many years in the fields and would like to retire from his duties. Unfortunately I haven’t done any research regarding this picture and feel if I did look at what other people were saying it may change my own representation.

I haven’t heard any background on this particular picture, but I have seen it many times. When I look at the painting, I think of the Amish culture, the women with their hair back, straight laced and abiding, having no voice as far as family decision making is concerned. Many people continue to live in this way, but most are in rural areas of the country. The painter has depicted a painting that can be seen in varieties of ways. This representation of a man and women allow the viewer an open pallet for interpretation and imagination.

If I had to label a title on this painting it would say “An American Couple.” I am not sure why I chose that but it was the first vision I created. (464) The Los Angeles area art scene has some of the most exquisite art work on display; there can be a plethora of things which can be learned just by visiting the area once. (Los Angeles Art Show) The above art work has been created by using paint brushes, it is an exquisite piece of work because it shows the sport of Boxing in a very vivid manner, two fighters have been shown battling it out in the ring.

This is quite a popular piece of art in Los Angeles. Over 1000 people turned up in a restaurant in Los Angeles which displayed the art work. A lot can be learned about Los Angeles by looking at these paintings, the most important aspect is that the people of Los Angeles have diverse interests; they are very interested in a host of sports like baseball, NFL, boxing and a few other sports. Los Angeles can be associated with a lot of themes, people have been shown full of energy, they are zealous people who like to involve themselves in colorful activities.

Their zeal is in front of everyone to see. They are quite proud of the fact that they live their lives with a lot of zest. Works Cited Guardian 2012. In American Gothic. Retrieved from: Los Angeles Art Show. Art Feature. n.p., Web. Retrieved from:

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