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Unit 2 Discussion - Coursework Example

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Enterprise applications comprise the financial, email system and HR database, printing server system, customer’s information management application, and cloud computer system. The printing system uses D-Link DPR-2000; DB2 and Oracle databases used as extra databases. The email…
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Unit 2 Discussion
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Unit 2 Discussion Unit 2 Discussion The assumptions Total cost $16,600 Network diagram Figure network diagram Source: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., 2012 Enterprise applications comprise the financial, email system and HR database, printing server system, customer’s information management application, and cloud computer system. The printing system uses D-Link DPR-2000; DB2 and Oracle databases used as extra databases. The email system configured with Microsoft Exchange; and the OSs installed include Windows, Linux Redhat, and Linux SUSE (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., 2012).

Server Role server(s) and a justificationThe servers comprise DNS, printing, primarily and Active Directory simply a file server. DNS is necessary for setting up Active Directory to serve as a local DNS server not used to host an exterior website or public domain. Active Directory used as a client requires managing all user details and accounts and authorizations from a central location, and clients wish to include roaming capacities. Files kept on the servers and backed up to NAS. Authorizations assigned through GPO via Active Directory (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., 2012).

The Security Configuration Wizard to secure the serverAssumption: It will not be necessary since customer bought site licenses for Symantec security application for the system.Implementing Hyper-V, RAID, NAS, and shared printersHyper-V is applicable in running SQL server, which customer purchased separately. Customer also wants to use different exchange servers in the near future and Hyper-V applicable for this as well. Client opted not to use with RAID now as a cost savings strategy. NAS is applicable to backup all files from Hyper-V servers and another server.

Two network printers installed for the office as to sustain high volume of printing (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., 2012). ReferenceHuawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (2012). Huawei N2000 NAS Storage System Technical White Paper. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2(1):1-14

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