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The International Livestock Dealers - Essay Example

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The paper "The International Livestock Dealers" highlights that if there is livestock that is ill, and needs to be sold, then the organization handles everything that deals with livestock. They connect farmers who might want to have new livestock or to dispose of some livestock that they have…
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The International Livestock Dealers
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The problem with this website is that there is no functionality apart from providing information about the various activities in the organization. Due to this, there is a need to have any small web-based functionality on the website so that livestock dealers can connect with ILD and interact dynamically. This, therefore, requires that the website has some dynamic aspect that will enable the two entities to communicate and interact more interactively (Grant, Hackney, and Edgar 65).
There is therefore a need to install e-livestock, which is a small functionality that will enable the dealers to search for livestock, send requests, get feedback, and issue queries without having to write emails. This will enable sellers of livestock to send their requests to the website and get feedback.
System requirements specification
The new application will be an addition of a form to the website. This will require that the form is accessible from a website, that is, it is web-based. For a user to access the form there will need to have the following requirements:
i. Will be able to be accessed from all browsers
ii. Should be able to be accessed from any operating system (that is, platform independent)
iii. Should be able to process multiple threads at a time
iv. Should support any hardware without any form of bias.
v. Should be able to receive and process requests without any form of delay.
The above are the requirements for the use of the system. It is a small system because the website is already there. There is no development of the website from scratch. This is a small application that will be achieved using the smallest time possible.
The developers will need the following requirements
i. Should be able to access the form in backend mode.
ii. Should be able to be coded using HTML programming
iii. Should be coded using scripting languages to bring some form of functionality.
iv. Should be able to connect to the database which is hosted in the web server of ILD
The system should be able to have the following functionalities:
i. Should have a search functionality that will enable the livestock farmers, and dealers to look for information regarding the livestock
ii. Should enable the livestock dealers to update the content in the database by giving information about livestock they would like to sell or get services for them.
iii. Should enable the staff of ILD to update information in their database regarding the various livestock issues.
iv. Should be able to process requests and queries from either the staff or livestock dealers. Read More
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