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Response to Questions in Networking - Assignment Example

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The assignment "Response to Questions in Networking" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the response to questions in networking. The approach that would entail the application of the least effort is where the firewall is placed between a secured internal network…
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Response to Questions in Networking
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? Networking: Response to Questions Response to part The approach that would entail the application of the least effort is where the firewall is placed between a secured internal network and the less secured internal network. The proposed network configuration restricts information originating from the secure hosts to be routed to a network that is less secure. The proxy servers that are placed on the firewall function to manage access between the less secure and the secure networks. An alternative to running multiple proxy servers in the firewall, which would entail the use of most effort, is by employing a relatively robust server referred to as the SOCKS server. SOCKS servers are well placed to function as the proxies for the TCP clients’ connections that function based on the socket API establishments. One of the advantages of using SOCKS is that it creates the allowance for the clients to access the servers without changing the codes if the clients, yet it is even secure just as the later (Bonaventure 2010). In this regard, despite the fact that the later approach is relatively costly, it is the most preferable. Response to part 2 There two possible cause of the problems being experienced by the Contonso firm, in where many users are unable to get IP address from the DHCP servers. One of the problems is that the IP address for the DHCP server could have been altered and that some of the clients cannot access IP address. The solution to this is to ensure that DHCP server can only offer services to the for the network scope with the ID that corresponds with the network ID possessing the IP address. This only requires one to ensure that the IP address and the DHCP servers fall in the same network range, unless the superscopes are used (Tanenbaum, 2006). Another cause is that the DHCP clients could be located across the routers from the subnets where the DHCP servers are stationed and have been limited in receiving the addresses from the servers. The solution is for the DHCP servers to offer IP addresses to the computers of the clients on the multiple subnets and this should happen only if the separating routers function as the relaying agent of the DHCP. The problem could be resolved by first configuring the DHCP/BOOTP relay agent on the subnets of the clients in some cases, the relay networks could be positioned on the routers or on the NT server computers, Windows 2000 Server computers and the DHCP Relay Agent components. At the DHCP regions, one may make some adjustments in the configurations to match the address of the network across the router where the clients are stationed. A point should be noted for the masks of the subnets to match the requirements of the remote subnets pr use a default gateway. Response to Part 3 One of the alternatives that could be utilized is the cable connectivity. The broadband cable is often provided by the cable TV provider. This would be suitable in this case. However, the cable Internet connection speed varies based on the number of users on the services, implying that during peak times, the implications can be particularly serious. Within the same geographical area, the broadband users often share the connection bandwidths, which continuously reduce with the increase in the number of users on the network. In this regard, the cost-effectiveness of the cable connection would be dependent upon the number of users in the geographical area. Another alternative is the fiber-optic. This is one of the products of the latest developments and provides internet connectivity with the fastest rating. This form of internet connectivity is limited in the sense that the sense that it is still in its initial phases of development and its availability in certain areas is still limited. Moreover, the process of laying down the fiber optic cable is as involving as time consuming and costly. In the regions that the fiber optic cable connectivity has been made available, the costs of its services do not significantly differ from the cable and DSL network connectivity, yet it offers the fastest internet connectivity. Response to part 4 One of the approaches is to adopt the internet use policies. The internet use policies are essential in the sense that they set give written guidelines on the ways in which employs should conduct themselves in regard to the use of corporate internet resources. The internet policy also provides the guidelines on the ways that misconduct about the internet resources would be handled. It has been widely cited that the numbers of corporations are increasingly looking to the adoption of the internet use cut down the use of the equipment for the recreational purposes. Another approach is by adopting the electronic monitoring software which limits the abuse of internet facilities. The internet electronic monitoring software simply documents the sites that have been visited by employees, assessing whether the motive could be beneficial to the corporation or for the recreational purposes. The third approach is to introduce log-on passwords that would be de-activated service session ends (Wendell, Rus & Denise 2010). Response to part 5 The most appropriate approach to the problem is by adopting the centralized backups-distributed file systems. These entail two technologies, the DFS Replication and the DFS Namespace. DFS replication is widely cited to be efficient replication engine for the multiple masters that could be utilized to synchronize the folders between one server and another across the servers with limited bandwidth connections. This is often utilized as the replacement for the File Replication Service (FRS), which is the DFS Namespace Replication engine. Improving the service delivery using the DFS Replication only requires the utilization of the compression algorithm referred to as the RDC (remote differential compression). This component functions to detect the changes that have been made in the data files and creates the allowance for the replication of the altered data files, as opposed to the whole blocks of the file systems. This also calls for the creation of the replication groups, as well as the creation of the associated replication folders. On the other hand, DFS name space is appropriate in the sense that it enables one to group folders that are shared and which are located in different servers to a single server of namespaces that are logically structured. This creates the allowance for every namespace to appear to users as single folder with multiple subfolders, yet the underlying structure could also be made in the manner that it consists of a number of files to be shared, and which are located in various servers that exist in different sites (William, 2004). These two technologies can work to resolve the problems that the Contoso management firm is experiencing. References Bonaventure O. (2010). Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice. Oxford University Press Tanenbaum, A. (2006). Computer Networks, Pearson Education. Oxford University Press Wendell, O., Rus, H. & Denise, D. (2010) CCIE Routing and Switching. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press William, S. (2004). Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Technology, Pearson Education Read More
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