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Networking / Design a Network - Assignment Example

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Network Design (Author’s name) (Institutional Affiliation) Introduction Two years ago, I won a contract to develop, design and implement a LAN network for a relatively small call centre that was just starting out but wanted to achieve efficiency in communication, transfer and sharing of data in its operations…
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Networking / Design a Network
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Bus Network Topology A bus network makes use of a multi-drop transmission medium; all nodes are linked to a single bus and therefore share data and communication (Zhang, 2005). This means that only a single device can transmit data at a time. Distributed access protocols are used to determine which station or device is to transmit. The figure below is a simple illustration of the bus network topology I settled upon when designing the call centre’s network. Source and destination addresses are found in data frames; these addresses are designed to monitor the bus and copy the frames that have been addressed to them (Martins, 2008).

A bus network topology basically connects every device (computer/node) to a communication line (segment trunk) that is usually a coaxial cable that is normally referred to as a bus. The signal moves from one end of the trunk to the other, and a terminator is needed at each end for the absorption of the signals so that it is not reflected back across the trunk (bus). A media access technique known as carrier sense multiple access/media access (CSMA/MA) is used to deal with collisions that take place when two signals are transmitted on the bus simultaneously.

In summary, the bus network topology is passive, meaning the computers or stations just ‘listen’ for signals; they do not transmit or move it along (Hekmat, 2006). Issues Encountered Since the organization was just starting out and would definitely grow and expand in the future, there was a need to conduct a feasibility study in order to determine whether the network implemented would be capable of supporting the company’s operations without any problems and the amount of time it would be able to do this before it was outgrown.

In addition to this, there were issues with finances and budgetary allowances surrounding the purchase of equipment and the compensation of labor, technical expertise and advice. The company had worked out an estimate of the amount of money it would require before I was contracted, therefore revising and modifying that estimate to fit my calculations proved to be a big problem. I agreed to work with their estimates, but along the way the budget ballooned and there was no choice but to request for more finances.

Another issue which I encountered was the lack of technical expertise or knowledge among any of the company’s staff. This compelled me to work with my own team and to train some of the call centre’s personnel (which added to the cost) on the fundamentals of network maintenance and management. This was primarily intended to save on future maintenance costs as it would be carried out by in-house personnel. Importance of Gathering Information about the current Network and Understanding Business Constraints When choosing and designing a network, it is crucial that detailed information be gathered and obtained with regards to a number of issues (Beasley, 2009).. This information provides an overview of what will be required when designing and implementing a network and therefore allows both parties to prepare adequately for the task lying ahead.

If a good feasibility study is carried out, things like ballooning of the budget and delays in implementation are likely to be avoided prior to starting the process. In addition to this, gathering information allows for the detection of problems like bugs and other

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