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Native Americans and US - Term Paper Example

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The major weaknesses of this study are concentrated on the Native Americans and the United States of America. The researcher states that bringing of blacks into America became the first step in creating a relationship between the blacks and the Native Americans…
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Native Americans and US
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Native Americans and US In the year 1613, a free sailor working for a Dutch fur trading company was allowed to live and trade among the Native Americans in Manhattan. In 1619, the first 20 blacks, from the Dutch slave traders were bought as workers in the English northern American colony (Hakim, 2002). Bringing of blacks into America became the first step in creating a relationship between the blacks and the Native Americans.

Like the African Americans, the American natives were black. When the African slaves escaped from the European colonist, the American natives would hide them. In the year 1622, Native Americans overruled the European colonialist in James town. They killed the Europeans and took the slaves captives. They gradually integrated them into their society, and interracial relationship started to develop between African Americans and the American natives. Colonists in the fear of mixed African native and American race due to the runaways passed a law to penalize anyone bringing slaves in their communities.

In the year, 1726 the British governor signed a contract with American natives to bring back the slaves but, they did not comply despite the agreement (Hakim, 2002).They continued to provide refuge to the African American. They were reported to have killed whites in protection of the African Americans. Runaway slaves were adopted into the tribe and intermarried. The Native American system of adoption was not discriminative in terms of color. Native Americans sometimes became enslaved together with the African Americans.

Africans and Native Americans often worked together, lived together, and had collective food recipes, herbal medicines, shared myths and legends. Though some Native Americans resented these African slaves like in 1752, catawaba discriminated them. Interracial marriages still increased some tribes became divided because of the intermarriage between the white men and their women increased. European cultures become adopted as well as the racial discrimination (Hakim, 2002).ReferenceHakim, J. (2002).

The First Americans Prehistory-1600. New York: Oxford University Press.

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“Native Americans and US Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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