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Summary of readings - Essay Example

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The welfare of the society is not merely the concern of the government but its provision is also dependent on other social institutions such as homes, health care institutes, profit and non-profit firms. These all social institutions work in coordination, in order to impose harmony in the society and contribute to the welfare of state. …
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Summary of readings
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At this time the government also started taking other initiatives regarding the social rights of the people. The government started allocating a certain amount of budget for social security, which was yet another significant contribution to the social rights of the people. Currently Japan is facing a serious problem of population decline. The population growth rate of Japan has been declining for three years in a row. As announced by the Japanese government the population decline in 2012 was 212,000, which has not been recorded before in Japanese history.

The number of children born in Japan has fallen drastically. According to projections made by the Japanese government, if the current decline in population continues then the Japanese population in 2030 will decline from 127.5 million to 116.6 million. The number of aged people in Japanese population surpassed over 30 million in 2012, which was yet another record. The number of increased elderly population means that the government has to increase the health expenditure in order to help the aged with their health issues.

The government also has to pay certain amount of money to the aged which will further burden the national exchequer. The trend of taking interest in human rights began in 20th century, when a drastic increase in the social welfare activities of the state was seen. Major amount of the Japanese annual budget was allocated to health insurance for its people. It was at this time that labor union started emerging whose mere concerns was to rise the demands of the workers and speak for any kind of violation in labor rights.

The Japanese employers also started introducing medical insurances that were given to the prominent employees of the company. All these events were contributions to the rights of the employees and to humanity as whole. The Japanese government while designing the human rights policies follows the Universal Declaration of Human rights. The policies implemented by the Japanese government and employers are somewhat a successful contribution to the human rights, however there are certain drawbacks associated with it.

The Japanese government has failed to make people understand the true meaning of human rights. However it is the major focus of the government to protect the social rights of their citizens and for this purpose the policies of the government are being updated, based on the changing demand of the population. The current alarming issue for the Japanese government is the decline in birth rate. There are several reasons behind this decline in birth rate. One of the reasons is low pay rates in Japan because of which the married couple usually works more.

They are also aware about their increasing needs and that they have to work more if they want to afford more than the basic necessities. Therefore Japanese couples do not desire for more children. This is one of the main reasons of low birth rate in Japan. The other reason is that because of high literacy rate in Japan the Japanese women easily find well paid job which makes them less dependent on men for their needs. This further oppresses their need for a husband. The increasing number of old age population also highlights the issue of decreased labor force in Japan.

The number of people in the Japanese labor force is predicted to decrease in the coming years. This can be a drawback for the Japanese

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