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Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China" is an outstanding example of health sciences and medicine research paper. There is predicted a shortage of nurses in the world which has put the provision of healthcare to be a concern to many. When taking a close look at China, we find out that there are concerns about how to have a sufficient number of nurses…
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The paper "Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China" is an outstanding example of health sciences and medicine research paper. There is predicted a shortage of nurses in the world which has put the provision of healthcare to be a concern to many. When taking a close look at China, we find out that there are concerns about how to have a sufficient number of nurses that are going to give sufficient nursing support system and a healthcare system that can bring up nurses that are qualified and a system that can be able to retain nurses in China. However, looking at the level of development of the health system and education in the medical field in Australia you find out that there is a possibility of Australia being one those countries that can export nurse and its health education to China.

The paper looks at the standards that are there in China and Australia education and how they can trade and cause a positive impact in both countries. With the rise in population in China then there is a need for the country to ensure that there is quality in the education systems and produce graduates who meet the standards that are required to cater to the rise in population. One of these ways of ensuring that there is quality is importing labor from Australia being one of the countries with a very high quality of health education.


In the world, China is one of the countries with a high population. It is approximated that China’s population represents approximately one-fifth of the total world population. However, the country has an increased population of older residents while there is a massive shortage of nurses to take off the old growing population. To government should ensure that the country meets the growing health demands by undertaking a lot of health care reforms to ensure that it meets the required qualities and accessibility to healthcare by all. If the government succeeds in putting these reforms in place, then it is going to influence most of the factors like the social, political, and economic factors that are going to prosper. Any nation that has the old individuals making most of its population is likely to face difficulties in its healthcare sector. 

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Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words.
(Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 Words)
Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 Words.
“Exporting Australian Quality and Safety Healthcare Standards to China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 Words”.
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