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Neural System Development - Essay Example

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In the essay “Neural System Development “ the author examines the most complex structure within the embryo. It started with a simple neural plate that folds to form a groove then the tube opens initially at each end. Neural abnormalities are present if one of the openings fails to open…
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Neural System Development
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The space to be searched evolutionary process increases exponentially with the size of the network (Kitano, 1990) because the length of the genotype is proportional to the complexity of the corresponding phenotype. Another method using the genotype and the phenotype is the growing method. The genotype-to-phenotype process in nature is not only an abstract mapping of information from genotype to phenotype but is also a process of physical growth (growth in size and in physical structure).

( Canglenosi, Nolfi, Parisi). By executing the inherited growing instruction the phenotype is progressively built. Below is the illustration of the development of an evolved neural network. The upper part is the growing and branching process of the axons. The lower part of the illustration is the resulting network after the removal of non-connecting branches and the elimination of isolated neurons and groups of interconnected neurons. Source:

pdf Cellular Encodings - In natural organisms folding in of the ectodermic tissue which forms the neural crest is the beginning of the development of the nervous system. This gives rise to the mature nervous system in a succession of three phases: the genesis and proliferation of different classes of neurons by cellular duplication and differentiation, the migration of neurons toward their final destination, and the growth of neuritis (axons, dendrites). Several experimental approaches in modeling neural development are increasing.

The above models are study focused by the paper written by Cangolosi, Nolfi, Parisi. The above models are only some of the studies done by several researchers. 

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Neural System Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words.
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Neural System Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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