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A Lifetime of Nourishment - Assignment Example

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Impact of nutrition Institution Introduction It has been realized that some deaths occur due to nutrition issues. Poor nutrition exposes people to diseases like diabetes, disabilities, stroke, obesity, heart diseases, and hypertension. Failure to start medication on the above diseases leads to death…
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A Lifetime of Nourishment
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Further, it shows the characteristics of a healthy diet, and contents of a nutritious meal. In addition, there is the basis of nutrition science. Lastly, are the concerns of behavior change and factors that influence people’s motive to change related behaviors resulting from nutrition. Importance of nutrition The effects of nutrition come through a person’s health status. Good nutrition dictates the health of a person. A healthy diet consists of, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, minerals and fiber.

They enhance the functioning of the body cells. For example, vitamins help one to be a quick decision maker and to remain calm. Regulation of the eating habits helps avoid various chronological diseases. For instance, it helps to avoid being overweight (Sizer & Whitney, 2012). Overweight may cause obesity. Diabetes has a link with overweight if one fails to adhere to the doctors’ prescription. Poor nutrition has tremendous effects on their physical wellbeing. For instance, it leads to an increase in weight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

High cholesterol levels expose one to the dangers of suffering from arterial disease. Food plays a speculative role of hindering one from mental health issues such as depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, massive headaches. Furthermore, the energy level becomes extremely low. Failure to take fruits involves the number of people with complaints on mental problems. One can avoid this through increasing the taking of salads and vegetables. Classes of nutrients A nutrient is a food component that people take.

It involves proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats or lipids, minerals and fiber. Water is also an essential element in all meals. All these food components are vital in one’s being. For one, proteins are very essential as they, strengthen muscles, skin and hair, and they aid in normal chemical reactions in the body. Good protein examples are meat and fish. Second class is that of carbohydrates, which plays the role of availing the body with glucose, an energy source. It involves simple and complex carbohydrates which respectively digest, quickly and slowly.

Examples of the simple ones are sugars, processed grains and fruits, while the complex carbohydrates include greens and whole grains like rice. Further, vitamins are the most essential compliments of one’s health. Lack of vitamins calls one to suffer from scurvy and weakens the immune system of an individual. Excessive consumption of vitamins results to serious poisoning of the cells. On the other hand, fats are essential for health. There comes a point that fats assist in the synthesizing of fat-soluble vitamins, and decrease the risk of heart disease.

Examples of sources fats are nuts, and avocados. It may also include, fish and seafood. In addition, there are minerals, whose deficiency leads to severe health conditions like easily breakable bones and pitiable blood oxygenation. Examples of minerals are potassium, iron, zinc and iodine. For instance, excessive consumption on potassium prevents proper functioning of the kidneys. Lastly, there is water which helps to speed up metabolic rate. Lack of water hinders the body cells from functioning well.

Dehydration can also lead to admissions of patients to hospitals. Characteristics of a healthy diet Nutritionists recommend people to consume a

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