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Final Paper- Research Proposal - Essay Example

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Various studies that have been conducted in the recent past have pointed to the severe local shortages of freshwater reserves in Bolivia, a reason that is largely linked to the large spatial differences that exists in the geographical locations of the water points and the…
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Final Paper- Research Proposal
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In the country, water scarcity is believed to be part of the reasons for civil conflict as accompanied by instances of high poverty rates, high population density and income inequalities. In the urban migrant settings, religious, ethnic and class differences are believed to exacerbate the community-wide patterns of adapting to environmental scarcities due to water conflicts. Therefore, the understanding of the nature of conflicts in these region requires not only the spatial investigation as shall be conducted by this study, but also in-depth socio-economic study of the factors that might result in the situation (Hay 145-148).

This research proposal shall be guided by these perspectives in assessing the spatial impacts of water scarcity in Villa Israel, Bolivia, an area in which water scarcity conflicts have been part of normal life for an extensive duration. This is because, with each seasonal water shortage, the residents of the area are often forced to make hard decisions on their usage of available social and economic resources. As a result, the current result will add to the informational bank on the matter by bridging the information gap that has existed in relation to the reciprocity and sociability aspects of the subject matter.

The general objective of this study shall be to assess the severity of water scarcity in the region by determining its spatial impacts on the reciprocal and social relationship exchanges in the marginal setting. This shall be studied alongside minor objectives such as: a. To document the water scarcity incidence in the research community through development and testing of scales for water consumptions and interviews on the water use by households based on proximity to the water sources. The general methodology that shall be applied in this study shall be a descriptive research design that focus on the ethnographic perspectives of the study to yield data for analysis.

The target population for the study shall be the

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