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Federal Government through Public Policies - Essay Example

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The paper "Federal Government through Public Policies" discusses that the government should come out with clear terms that put into consideration that group of individuals like the Christians as they try to maintain the faith in their God and those people who simply think such habit is bad…
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Federal Government through Public Policies
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Government Administrator al Affiliation: Federal government through public policies The gay and lesbian started way back during the world war two in the year 1930s whereby there was a greater place of the movement and the habit. At this time, the federal government was on the watch as the movement was picking at a high rate. However, later on the movement was stopped at the time when McCarthy was in power when very many people who were involved in gay were detained. Besides to the arrest, very many of them lost their jobs, thus posing a bigger security threats during that time. However, in the year 1995, the federal government under the leadership of President Clinton, he banned the discrimination of people in the line of the sexual orientation (Kuhn, 2011). During his tenor, the anti- gay movement was done away with in the nation. The federal government of today openly supports the sexual orientation as it argues that it leads to sexual gender equality. The issue of Gays has been in the limelight in the politics of the United States of America since it affects both the humanity and the state as a whole. In America, there are various groups that have come out to be supporting the Gay movement at the same time there are the groups of individuals and the organization that do not support the movement. With the United States of America one of the superpower, its take on the movement directly affects the stand of most countries in the world. Most of the groups and the individuals that do not support the Gay movement solely have their position resting upon the faith that they hold in their religions. For instance most of the Christians do not support the idea of gays as they argue that God created the two sexes so as to procreate and have companion on one another which is not the case should the movement be legalized. As much as the Gay movement may not receive full credit from the community fraternity, the federal government views it as a way of dealing with the gender inequality in the society. There has been the ruling from the Supreme Court that supports and provide for the rights of the gay movement in United States of America. One of the representatives of the public people who have talked about the Gay movement is Ben Carson. He said that as far as the Supreme Court has made the judgment in favor of the gay movement, the federal government should not pass it. That is because it is mandatory for the president assent to the laws by the Congress not judicial rulings. The introduction of gay marriage laws has variation by jurisdiction, being variously achieved through a change in legislation to marriage laws, a court ruling that is based on constitution guarantees of equality, a popular vote that is direct. Gay marriage recognition is a social, political, civil rights and human rights issue, as well as a religious issue in a lot of countries and all over the world. The debate persist to rise whether gay couples should be permitted marriage, or instead accepted to have a different status (a civil union), or such rights to be denied to them. Gay marriage can offer same-sex couples who pay their taxes with services that offered with the government and made financial demands on them as compared to the ones afforded and needed of opposite-sex married couple (Walzer, 2002). Gay marriage also provides them with legal protections like hospital and inheritance rights. The controversial issue is that there is some group that does not support gay movement in America at the same time there is that group that supports the movement. The controversy, therefore, culminates whereby the federal government that is bestowed with the responsibility of addressing the plights of the citizens is not seen to do so. There are certain citizens who feel that their rights have been violated by the adoption of the laws that support the gay marriage. Ion such a case there is the fight between the federal government and such individuals. The fact from the New York Times record that the Federal government has recognizes not less than three hundred marriages between the same sexes in Michigan. News came shortly after the governor of Michigan denied that he cannot allow such an act in his State. The primary interest groups involved in the politics of the political issue one of the interest groups, in this case, is the Christians and other who holds certain religious faiths. They are affected in that they feel that human kind is not living up to the standards that were primarily put by God or any other supreme being that they embrace. To the Christians who believed in the Bible, it is highly prohibited the marriage between people of the same sex. On that matter, therefore, they fight so that their lamentations gotten. The federal government does not support the instead supports those who are for the gay marriage. On the other hand, another controversial group is that of those who want the Gay marriage to be legalized. The federal government supports them and can do any possible thing so as to ensure that the laws are authorized and that the practice does not only remain in the State border but also go beyond America. The government ensures that what it wants is done when it solicits support from different individuals within and without the country. The government goes as far as organizing public campaigns in the country and outside the country so as to meet the desired outcome. Furthermore, the government lobbies the public through various campaigns and comparing different scenarios that go on in other countries just to reach the required target. For the United States of America to embrace the law that support the practice of gay, it ensures that it mobilized the public and organized campaigns that went even up to various countries in Africa. The laws have Congress passed regarding the issue There was the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) of 1961 that gave room to the marriage between the similar sexes was proclaimed unlawful. DOMAs channel did not break individual states from identifying same-sex connubial, but it imposed limitations on the assistances received by all lawfully married same-sex partners. The Supreme Court and the Federal court gave the full verdict and support of the gay marriage. The issue of gay marriage has been a problem that has gone beyond the boundaries of the United States of America. It is a campaign that has made of the politicians lost their lives as it tries to maintain the status quos (Ball, 2014). It is one area that has not taken into consideration of the plights of most of the citizens in the country. Conclusion It is apparent the gay campaign has been a political issue o to the fact that the federal government continues to receive the demand from the public that it is legalized. However, the various leaders in the federal government have given if different points of view. Some have supported the idea and today a good percentage of the citizens in United States of America embrace the same. In contrast, the federal government has failed to put into consideration plights of other groups of individuals in the state. Such a group has remained traumatized because the government has failed to address their difficulties. The government should come out with the clear terms that put into consideration that group of individuals like the Christians as they try to maintain the faith in their God and those people who simply thinks such habit is bad. References Ball, C. A. (2014). Same-sex marriage and children: A tale of history, social science, and law. Johnson, D. K. (2004). The lavender scare: The Cold War persecution of gays and lesbians in the federal government. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Kuhn, B. (2011). Gay power!: The Stonewall Riots and the gay rights movement, 1969. Minneapolis, MN: Twenty-First Century Books. Walzer, L. (2002). Gay rights on trial: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO. Read More
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