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Is a College Degree Necessary - Essay Example

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This is a famous Chinese adage. It means that through studying one can gain success and fortune follows. Reading brings us everything but there are also other adages, such as, traveling gets us more…
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Is a College Degree Necessary
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In my opinion, not every student should go to college. First of all, not every vocation needs a college degree. We live in a complex and diverse society and there are many different characters, such as, doctors, businessmen, professors, lawyers, skilled laborers, salesmen, gardeners, and so on. Different vocations need different degrees. A good mechanics does not need a college degree; he just needs to learn the skills about the way to fix all kinds of cars. A great gardener also does not need a college degree; he just needs to know the way to grow saplings make landscape designs.

According to Mike, there are many high school kids who do not find college-prep classes interesting. Because of this, many of them drop out. They do not think that their schools are preparing them the way they should be. Here, an important point is that these kids are not defiant or lazy; rather they want to experience everything, learn practical skills, and pursue a respectable professional career upon graduating from high schools. On the other hand, if everyone goes to college to get a college degree, our society will be in a kind of disharmony.

When you get a college degree, you will be unwilling to get some low-paying, dirty, or tiring job like dustman, dishwasher, or doorman. These jobs are of grass root level but necessary. We can imagine if nobody wants to do these jobs, the world will be in a disaster as no one would clean trash, nobody would wash dishes, and no one would clean streets. Our world will be dirty and cluttered. According to Mike, labor experts believe that the U.S. is likely to face a severe shortage of skilled workers.

For example, the blue-collar baby boomers are leaving their jobs due to retirements and schools are not paying attention towards preparing others to replace them. The fact is that the U.S. needs blue-collar workers, such as, machinists, carpenters, welders, electricians, cable technicians, etc. just the

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