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Persuasive synthesis - Essay Example

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Name Date Course Section/# Death and dying is one of the topics that have captured the ethical and moral debates within the healthcare profession for several years. Although one might at first be tempted to assume that the debate is as simple as either stating that a person is either for or against physician assisted suicide/euthanasia, from a careful review of related sources, firsthand experience, and the stance of the Catholic Church, one can quickly infer that the topic itself is much more highly nuanced than they might otherwise assume…
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Persuasive synthesis
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As a means of expounding upon this particular topic, it is the hope of this author that the needs of the healthcare professional within such a context will be further appreciated; thereby ultimately helping draw a tangential level of understanding with regards to the use and application of euthanasia and/or physician assisted suicide. When one considers the difficulties of working as a healthcare professional, a litany of problematic issues comes to mind. However, a primal concern that the healthcare professional must deal with on a daily basis is the question of burnout.

Burnout is of special importance due to the fact that it intimately affects the ability of the given individual to continue to provide a high level and quality o care to the end recipient. . 339). This is of course a function of the fact that the average healthcare professional will only come in contact with a dead or dying patient on a rare incidence. Conversely, the healthcare professional that deals exclusively with the terminally ill must experience this on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.

To seek to understand the means by which these impacts won the outlook and mental well-being of the healthcare professional is something of an impossible task due to the fact that different people respond to pressures in different ways. One of the readings that was engaged with as a means of informing this particular essay was that of Paul T. Schotsmans “Ethical Claim of a Dying Brother”. As such Schotsman integrates with the reader the severe physical and mental toll that standing helplessly beside the bed of a human writhing in agony exacts on the healthcare professional; regardless of the overall strength of their character, years in the profession, or resiliency of faith.

Ultimately what happens is that the healthcare professional is unable to continue to integrate such continual death and suffering into their model of patient interaction. This no doubt comes from the fact that although death and dying are a fundamental part of life on planet earth, it is somehow programmed to be resented and rejected by humanity. This interestingly strikes at the very core of what healthcare provision is intended to provide. As anyone familiar with the Hippocratic Oath can attest, the ultimate goal of the healthcare professional is to seek to alleviate the suffering of the ill.

As a function of this, the reader/researcher can quickly see that try as they might, the job of the healthcare

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