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The Age Gap Between Baby Boomers and Today's Youth - Essay Example

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There is a wide age gap of around 18 to 36 years between the baby boomers and today’s young generation which is also called as millennial generation. Baby boomers are the people who were born between 1946 and 1964, whereas the millennial generation or young generation is of those people who were born between 1983 and 1993. …
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The Age Gap Between Baby Boomers and Todays Youth
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? Age Gap between Baby Boomers and Young generation There is a wide age gap of around 18 to 36 years between the baby boomers and today’s young generation which is also called as millennial generation. Baby boomers are the people who were born between 1946 and 1964, whereas the millennial generation or young generation is of those people who were born between 1983 and 1993. Every generation has its own cultural values, their views which are tuned to the period they belong to. Both of these generations have to face many difficulties and undergo a lot of problems. Our topic of study is the age gap between baby boomers and the millennial generation. Each generation has its own attributes. There is a wide age gap or generation gap and so the conflicts are likely to occur between these two generations. The likings, tastes, values and attitude towards life, everything differ from the youth. Both generations, for our overall progress, can adopt things from each other. Our research is based on the two of generations, the baby boomers and the millennial generation or generation Y. The study will focus on how a good rapport can be maintained between baby boomers and millennial generation which is very important for building a society with a fine amalgamation of old values and modern values. Introduction Before starting our discussion on the topic let’s discuss about the concept “Generation Gap.” As Gerhard Falk and Ursula Falk mentioned in their book “Youth Culture and Generation Gap,” “The change in values from one generation to the next is called “The Generation Gap.” (Pg. 23, 2005) They further say “this not only involves education, occupation, and preferences for lines of action, but also family size, status Vietnam of women.” It is always true that the foundation of new generation is based on their previous generation. So the baby boomers have definitely contributed a lot in shaping the younger generation, sometimes in the form of parents, sometimes they are grandparents of the young generation. Each generation has its own impacts on shaping the society. Baby boomers generation is regarded as the most idealized generation. Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is To understand the various attributes of both of these generations. To find out the problems arise due to the age gap. Try to find out the solutions which can be useful for individual growth and the growth of the nation. Hypotheses: The baby boomers are more strict and rigid and they are reluctant to adopt new things easily. The condition of baby boomers and young generation differ from country to country. Baby boomers are more stabilized, secured whereas the young generation is more depressed and living in a very uncertain era. The baby boomers used to be closed minded whereas the young generation is very open minded. Young generation is more technosavy than the baby boomers. Generation gap hampers the work culture. Literature Review The consequences of age gap between baby boomers and young generation differ from country to country. It depends upon the then state of affairs of the country in which the baby boomers were born. For example, the baby boomers in America in their young age were living a prosperous life. It was because the after World War II America was the country which had to bear a minimum loss unlike the European nations. But still the baby boomers of European countries and America were in much better condition. “In Europe and North America, boomers are widely associated with privilege, as many grew up in a time of affluence. As a group, they were the healthiest and wealthiest generation and amongst the first to grow up genuinely expecting the world to improve with time.” (2009). Consequently, it became the most powerful and affluent country in the world and thus started ruling over the world. This was the period when the baby boomers were living a very affluent life. On the contrary the situation in third world countries was totally different. For example in India the baby boomers generation was living a life of uncertainty. India had just obtained independence and the country was badly affected by the civil wars like partition, communal riots etc. The baby boomers in India were living in a great financial crisis. They had no identity on the map of the world. They were just blamed for being the people of third world and poor country. Though the condition has changed, these boomers after fifty years cannot keep themselves away from the condition in which they were born and brought up. Baby boomers in Japan were born and brought up in the anarchy and deterioration which took place due to drop of nuclear bombs on Japan. The country was in ruin. The young generation had a great challenge to prove the ability of their country. So the psyche of these baby boomers is totally different from that of America, European country or India. The political and social affairs of the country shaped the baby boomers in a certain manner. Stability and dreams of both generations: Baby boomers are also known as “War Babies.” As long as America is concerned, the baby boomers embraced idealism. As Claire Raines points out in ‘Beyond Generation X’, “never before in history had youth been so idealized as they were at this moment.” “Middle-age baby boomers who reached their teenage years in 1960 embraced and pursued idealism with more fervor and purpose than those of any generations.” (Martin Gitlin March 3, 2011) The influence of the then American President John Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King was immense of the generation of baby boomer. Martin Gitlin further says, “Hippie movement was based on squarely idealism.” (Pg 91) The idealism of baby boomers was based on the rejection of materialism. For young generation it is the depression era. It is a period of joblessness “Unemployment is striking America's young people even harder than adults. Among those ages 16-24, unemployment stands at 17.7%, nearly twice the national average.”(Michael Brown and David Gergen September 07, 2011) “The millennial generation is staring into the abyss of a decade lost, dreams shattered. Experts say the negative effects of long-term joblessness, low earnings and rusted skills could haunt this generation for the rest of their lives.” (Michael Brown and David Gergen September 07, 2011) Being born in a very prosperous era, they feel secure as compared to the young generation. It is because the young generation is intensely suffering from the consequences of recession. Open mindedness of the Young generation Young generation is more open minded than the baby boomers: It is true that the young generation has a wide exposure to so many things which has led them to be more open minded. The young generation can easily talk on any topic and express its opinion, the topics which would be a taboo to be discussed in the period of baby boomers. They can talk on the topics like sex, homosexuality etc. The youngsters openly talk or discuss about the gay marriages. Unlike the baby boomers the millennial generation takes racism very lightly. “My generation is the most open-minded in history. Nearly half of us are nonwhite or multiracial; most of us support interracial dating; and the majority of us, including conservatives, accept gays and lesbians.” (September 15, 2011) Techno savvy baby boomers: It is a common misconception that the baby boomers do not take interest in modern technology like young generation. The fact is that baby boomers are no longer behind to the young generation in the usage of computers, mobiles, digital cameras or other electronic gadgets. Young generation is more techno savvy than the baby boomers. “Based on Deloitte’s annual media research, an estimated 66 percent of Boomers use text messaging to stay in touch.” (Susan Quilty Jan 31, 2011) Below is the information which gives us the details of how baby boomers have embraced the modern technology. According to Steve Rubel at Micro Persuasion, a new Consumer Electronics Usage Survey from Accenture shows that Baby Boomers are adopting consumer technology nearly 20 times faster than younger generations. Increased reading blogs and listening to podcasts by 67 percent year over year; nearly 80 times faster than Gen Y (1 percent) Posted a 59 percent increase in using social networking sites—more than 30 times faster than Gen Y (2 percent) Increased watching/posting videos on the Internet by 35 percent—while Gen Y usage decreased slightly (-2 percent) Accelerated playing video games on the go via mobile devices by 52 percent— 20 times faster than Gen Y (2 percent) Increased listening to music on an iPod or other portable music player by 49 percent—more than four times faster than Gen Y (12 percent) Conflict due to the generation gap: Conflict at workplace: The conflict occurs because of the variety of generation working at the same place. “Each generation brings their own view of the world with their experiences, perspectives, ethics, and values. And each generation forces society to look at life and work with a different focus, resulting in changes to workplace policies and procedures.”(Nancy A. Hass March 2005) Both Baby Boomers and the young people work together in the organization. The team or group in the organization consists of people from different ages. The X & Y generation basically prefers to communicate with others by sitting on their place using computers or mobiles. They have virtual network than the real one. So they somewhere lack interpersonal skill which is very important part of the workplace. Being young, they have less experience, less patience especially while dealing with the older generation. As compared to Baby boomers, the young generation has less loyalty towards their employers. The positive thing among the young generation is that they have a tremendous energy in them which can be utilized by a proper direction. The baby boomers are workaholic and committed to their work, but at the same time they are very rigid to adapt themselves. They are likely to lose the employment opportunities due to the lack of adaptability. They are unwilling to learn from others especially from the young people. Family conflict: Conflict between the teenagers and the young people and that of baby boomers is a common phenomenon. As mentioned above, baby boomers are rigid and not ready to change the values from which they belong to. The young people on the other hand feel all those values outdated told either by their parents or grandparents. They have their own lifestyle and do not like to be interfered in it. The younger people feel the old people very disciplined. Differences in opinions are the major cause behind the spoiled relationship between the baby boomers and the young people. This difference of opinions is naturally a consequence of generation gap. Both represent different generation. Findings: After the review of the collected data following findings are there: Generation gap or age gap problem exists there in every culture and every country. The structure changed but the concept remains same. Though baby boomers have enjoyed a secured and affluent life than the younger generation, they still work hard and learn new things and thus trying to create harmony with the changing society. Young generation exists in the whirl of uncertainty due to global recession. Young generation is very opening minded. As mentioned above most of their communication takes place on internet, cell phone. They tend to be freer than the baby boomers. They chat online on various topics. In the family, with parents, with friends they can discuss any issue openly and freely. It is very positive change. Being open can lessen the prejudices between two persons. Their outlook also has become very broad and thus the society also becomes more and more matured. In our hypotheses we have an assumption that the Young generation is more techno savvy than the baby boomers. But after the survey and study of different resources it is proved that the baby boomers are no longer behind to the young generation in the usage of young people. They can confidently use all these gadgets. It has definitely helped them to tune themselves with the new lifestyle as well as at home also they can communicate with their children or grandchildren with the help of these gadgets. Conclusion: After studying the topic “Age Gap between Baby Boomers and The Young Generation we can make some conclusions The young generation who is living in the period of uncertainty definitely gets support and help from the older people. The young generation can learn old views and adapt them for the application in modern life style. Baby boomers are no longer obstacles but they can really contribute in the progress of the nation. They are discipline which somewhere lacks among young generation. Without discipline and commitment one cannot attain success. This is the message the baby boomers try to convey to the young generation. There are no short cuts and hard work has no options. If the younger generation is thinking these values outdated, then they are very wrong in their perception which can be the major obstacle to their individual growth as well as the growth of nation. If both generations show the approach of giving and taking, it will be easy to create a good harmony between these two generations. The family life should be healthy and there should be the strong mental support to both the generations. So family values must be maintained. If the family is healthy, each and every family member will communicate with each other without any prejudice and misconceptions and apart from the age gap all of the family members can share their views and ideas with each other. Individualism is definitely necessary but when it is spoiling the human relationship, then it should not be entertained after some extent. Citation: 1. Gerhard Falk and Ursula Falk, (2005) Gerhard Falk and Ursula Falk, “Youth Culture and Generation Gap,” Pg. 23. 2. Economic Times, Dec 3, 2009, Marketing Research Europe, 3. Martin Gitlin. (March 3, 2011) Pg91 “ Baby Boomer Encyclopedia,” 4. By Michael Brown and David Gergen, (September 07, 2011)AmeriCorps, today’s Depression-era CCC, | CNN Contributors 5. New York Times The Open Pages, The Moral Values of America’s Youth, published on September 15, 2011 6. Susan Quilty , January31, 2011, Tech Savvy Baby Boomers, 7. 8. Nancy A. Haas, March 2005 “Do Generational Differences impact the Workplace? Nancy A. Haas is President of Haas Consulting Services, LLC, providing consulting and training in human resource and workplace issues. She can be reached at 203-426-0298,, or Nancy is also President of the Western CT Chapter of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). Read More
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