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Formation of English Sentences and Reading - Essay Example

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The paper "Formation of English Sentences and Reading" states that the task of making adults understand a foreign language can be overwhelming. The students come from different regions of the world. Three of the students are from China and have been staying in the country for two years now…
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Formation of English Sentences and Reading
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LESSON PLANNING By Location Teacher’s JOHN DOE lesson 03RD JULY, Time and length of lesson02:00 PM – 03:00 PM, A ONE HOUR LESSON Level of class (e.g., Beginner) INTERMEDIATE Number of students TEN Make-up of the class (e.g., age, strength/weaknesses, nationalities, mixed abilities) ADULTS WHO ARE BILINGUAL LANGUAGE SPEAKERS Aims of the lesson TO LEARN VOCABULARY: FAMILY AND FRIENDS Secondary aims of the lesson GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER. UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHERS LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Anticipated difficulties COMMUNICATION Strategies to overcome difficulties USE OF SIMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROVIDE TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER ENGLISH BOOKS TO STUDY ON THEIR OWN Materials to be used ENGLISH AID BOOK DICTIONARY PEN AND PENCILS EXERCISE BOOKS Timing Stage / Procedure Interaction Reason for doing the activity JULY 3, 2015 02:00 PM – 02:10 PM INTERMEDIATE INTRODUCING EACH OTHER TO CREATE A RELAXED AMBIANCE IN CLASS AND REMOVE FEAR. JULY 10, 2015 02:20 PM – 02: 30PM INTERMEDIATE PRACTICE IT ENSURES THE STUDENT ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS VOCABULARY JULY 17, 2015 02:00 PM – 02:10 PM INTERMEDIATE HANDING WORKSHEETS TO THE STUDENTS TO DETERMINE THE ODD ONE OUT HELPS THE STUDENTS UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FAMILY AND FRIENS VOCABULARY. JULY 24, 2015 02:30 PM – 02:40 PM INTERMEDIATE FORMATION OF ENGLISH SENTENCE WITH THE INTERESTED VOCABULARY TO ENABLE STUDENTS IMPROVE THEIR FLUENCE IN ENGLISH JULY 31, 2015 02:00 PM – 02:10 PM INTERMEDIATE TALKING BRIEFLY ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY IN ENGLISH IMPROVE THE CONFIDENCE IN THE STUDENTS AND CHECK WHICH STUDENT NEEDS HELP IN SPEAKING ENGLISH JULY 31, 2015 02:30 PM – 02:40 PM INTERMEDIATE CLASS PRESENTATION USING THE FLASHCARDS TO REVIEW THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE STUDENT’S FAMILY AND FRIENDS VOCABULARY. INTROCUTION OF NEW VOCABULARY FOR THE STUDENTS. 2. Written Work It is important for a Tutor to understand his/her students before making a lesson plan. The students are adults who have a little bit of knowledge in English. The fact that they know a little English is essential as it would be easier for the tutor as opposed to beginners. The task of making adults understand a foreign language can be overwhelming but still exciting (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). The students come from different races and different regions of the world. Three of the students are from China and have been staying in the country for two years now. There are two students from Germany who are relatively new to the country but have a little background in English. There are three African students who are fluent in Rwandese and French. She has been studying in the school for a while and moved from the beginners’ class to the intermediate level. The other two are from South America and know Spanish and a few words in English. The purpose of learning is to enable the students understand English. It is important for my lesson plan to follow the order above for maximum gain of the pupils. Introduction to each other help ease the ambiance in the room, and the students become open minded to learn (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). The tutor should also be friendly to his/her students. The first few weeks are for the students to get into the groove and remind themselves the English language they already know. The short term goal for the students is to become fluent both in written and spoken English. There is also the long-term goal is for the students to be able to advance their careers while others are doing it for leisure purposes. The tutor should also be goal oriented while making the lesson plan. There should be a strategy in the execution of the lesson plan by the teacher. Involving and engaging the students intensively during the lessons is important in ensuring the students learn English vocabulary at a faster pace (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). The students being adults’ means they have rich life experiences that would be fun to share with the class. Part of the lesson plan is to let the students tell the class a little about themselves in the English language. It is a brilliant idea for any tutor to capitalize on the diversity of the learners. Learning different cultures while still learning the English language is a fun way of educating a class. The choice of the family and friends nouns is pure to enable the learners put into practice the lessons they are getting in class. Most of the adult learners have diverse experiences. The order of the lesson plan is systematic in ensuring the learners get maximum knowledge. The order is from simple English practices to the sophisticated practices of reading and analyzing vocabularies about family and friends. The first two weeks will see the tutor give the students learning materials such as flash cards. The flashcards that are available are in different languages. It is, therefore, suitable for the whole class who are fluent in various languages. The beginners’ stage of learning the English language has simple words such as cup, spoon, plate. The flashcards that I will give my students will have family and friends vocabulary in their language on one side and English interpretation on the other side of the card (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). Formation of English sentences and reading out loud in class are a few things I have a great experience in doing. There are however a few challenges in the execution of all the lesson plans. Examples of the challenges include getting books for the students since the institution does not have enough books about the vocabulary in question. Another problem involves convincing the students to stand in front of the class and express themselves (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). Over the years of my experience, I have realized that many students do not have confidence when it comes to expressing themselves in a new language. The students are embarrassed they might mess up, or they may not come up with correct sentence structures. It is easy to overcome the above challenges. The set book is on the internet at a small fee and then printed in ten copies for the students. It is cheaper to take this move instead of ordering other sets of the set book. There is also the option of reading the set book in soft cover. The move is however challenging as most of the students find difficulty in reading soft copy documents. A tutors encouragement can eliminate shyness of students. The tutor should not correct the student in front of his/her colleagues when they make a mistake (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). There are however circumstances that do not allow a tutor to ignore the error. In such a circumstance, it is advisable for the teacher to correct the student in a polite way. Each and every activity is important for the learners and the aim of learning the process. There are students who are learning for the sole purpose of being able to interact with their peers. These students most valuable lessons should include verbal communication in English. Construction of the right kind of sentences is necessary for every student. It is for this purpose that I decided to start my classes with the construction of correct English sentences. A dictionary is an important accessory for the students who want to learn English. A dictionary has the pronunciation of the words. The use of the internet can also be very helpful for the students in pronunciation. As a tutor, my plan is to encourage my students to go and learn using YouTube. It is the best ground in pronunciation. It is important that the students choose British English in both writing and pronunciation. There is a slight difference in the two English languages. The other strategy I will use in my class is teaching the adults in different learning styles. There are those that are fast learners, and there are others that are not so quick to grasp new concepts (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). There is also the aspect of ethnicity. There are students from certain regions like China whose alphabet is very different from the English alphabet. The students from this area require close attention because learning written English is an entirely different aspect for them. Many of the students learn better where there are visual flashcards, worksheets or real practical things. During the creation of a sentence, I am planning to give the students practical things or pictures for them to create a sentence with the vision. It is an easy task, and the engagement between the tutor and the student makes the class fun and lively (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). Most of the adult students work more than one job or have families to take care. Their schedules are at times crazy. Hence, they would be exhausted when coming for the lessons. It is necessary for the tutor to understand the personal needs of each student and handle them differently. One hour class per week is very appropriate as the students will not have to stay long hours in class. Long hours will be pointless as many people lose concentration in the first hour when they are tired (Kerns and Mendelson 2004). The tutor should be there for each and every student and should take care of their needs individually. At the end of the lessons, the students should be fluent in both written and spoken English. Worksheet     Flashcards     References Kerns, T. and Mendelson, M.K. 2004, ESL New Teacher Resource Guide, California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project American Institutes for Research, Los Angeles, California. Read More
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